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versus non-RFID technologies

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1 versus non-RFID technologies
RFID - EN RFID versus Barcode RFID versus Barcode NON-RFID VS RFID Advantages of RFID versus non-RFID technologies J.-D. Chatelain

2 It is possible to choose the information
RFID - EN RFID versus Barcode RFID versus Barcode RFID Tag Non-RFID Tag: barcode TAG’s memory It is possible to choose the information we want to read in the RFID tag The information of the non-RFID tag can be read READING DE2A 1811 1998 0000 READING 084 04

3 RFID tags are symmetrical and can be read on both sides
RFID - EN RFID versus Barcode RFID versus Barcode RFID Tag Non-RFID Tag: barcode TAG’s memory RFID tags are symmetrical and can be read on both sides Information from non-RFID tag must be visible to be read READING DE2A 1811 1998 0000 READING 084 04

4 By writing, it is possible to modify any information in the RFID tag
RFID - EN RFID versus Barcode RFID versus Barcode RFID Tag Non-RFID Tag: barcode TAG’s memory By writing, it is possible to modify any information in the RFID tag It is impossible to change information in non-RFID tag WRITING 0123 4567 89AB CDEF CAFE 0123 4567 89AB CDEF CAFE WRITING 083

5 If the non-RFID tag is hidden, its information cannot be read
RFID - EN RFID versus Barcode RFID versus Barcode RFID Tag Non-RFID Tag: barcode TAG’s memory If the non-RFID tag is hidden, its information cannot be read Even if the RFID tag is hidden, the information it contains can be read READING FF32 0123 READING 082 02

6 NON-RFID VS RFID End of this chapter J.-D. Chatelain RFID - EN
RFID versus Barcode NON-RFID VS RFID End of this chapter J.-D. Chatelain

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