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By Mitchell Cottom, Camryn Owens and Zackery deLaroche

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1 By Mitchell Cottom, Camryn Owens and Zackery deLaroche
Geology study guide By Mitchell Cottom, Camryn Owens and Zackery deLaroche

2 Layers of the Earth Layers of the earth Crust- thinnest layer
Mantle- convection currents, thickest layer Outer Core- heats up the magma for the convection currents in mantle Inner Core- compressed Iron and nickel, so hot it’s solid

3 Layers of the Earth and Layers of the Atmosphere
Lithosphere thinnest layer the rock “shell” around the earth Aesthenoshpere holds convection currents Hydrosphere a thin layer of water that rests on the earth oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. covers ¾ of the earth’s surface Troposphere lowest layer of the earth, contains all life and air

4 3 Types of mountains Folded Fault block Dome

5 Folded Folded mountains are formed when pressure bends and folds rocks and the layers push against each other.

6 FAULT BLOCK Pressure causes rocks layers to break and one side pushes up or down. A fault then forms or a crack forms in a rock layer.

7 Dome mountain Magma tries to push up through the surface the mountain looks just like a pimple.

8 Alf’s theory Alfred Wegener's theory that the world was all on or connected together in a super contennt pangea

9 Evidince Continents look like they could fit togt\her
Same Follies from two different continents Same mountain ranges and rocks.

10 Failure u Unforgantly Alfred was not a person to study rocks he was a whether man that’s why no one belived him. But later on he was proven right.

11 Contenational drift The plates move cause of convection currents at the assthenospere in the mantle. The lava down their swirls it cools then heats up and the cycle repeats. And this makes the plates move.

12 The direction plates move
There are 3 different way a plate moves. 1. Divergent is were 2 plates move away from eah other. 2. convergent is were 2 plates crash against each other. 3. transform fault is were 1 plate is going up and the other going down and there grinding into ech other.

13 Causes?????? Divergent: sea floor spreading
Convergent: mountain formation and volcanoes Transform fault: earthquakes

14 Rock cycle three ways rocks break down are ice, water ,wind and gravity rock cycle is the forming of rocks the main cause of erosion is gravity

15 Igneous rock when lava or magma cools and hardens, igneous rocks forms
Intrusive is formed underground Extrusive is formed above ground

16 Weathering and erosions
Weathering is the breaking down rocks Erosions breaks down rock in many ways Wind , Ice, Gravity Gravity is the main causes of erosions

17 Minerals there are billions of minerals every where
minerals are the building blocks of rocks minerals form up every rock

18 Sedimentary Rock Sedimentary rocks form when weathering breaks down rocks and erosion carries it to a different location the oldest fossils are found in this type of rock sedimentary rocks have lots of layers

19 Metamorphic Two causes of metamorphic rocks are heat and pressure
two examples of metamorphic rocks are shale and sandstone


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