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Trends in Graduate Software Engineering Education

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1 Trends in Graduate Software Engineering Education
Dennis J. Frailey (Retired) Principal Fellow, Raytheon Company Adjunct Professor of Computer Science, SMU Presented at CSEET 2013

2 The Growth of Computer Science
Computer Engineering Software Engineering Computer Science Information Science Information Technology

3 Elements of a Profession
Public Licensing Authority Regulator Body of Knowledge Curriculum Principles Research Performance Norms We also have a project whose goal is to identify the fundamental principles of software engineering. It was started in It is targeted for completion by July 1999. Body of knowledge - common knowledge and skills expected of most practitioners Performance norms - criteria to be achieved by competent partictioner Curriculum - sequenced presentation of knowledge to potential practitioner Work Force Professional Practice

4 Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge
What an Experienced SW Engineer Should Know GSwE2009 Graduate Software Engineering Curriculum Model What a Terminal MS in Software Engineering should Teach

5 SWEBOK coverage* in 2007 across 28 SwE MS programs
Study showed wide diversity in what is required/semi-required (>50% chance it is required) in master’s programs in software engineering. Schools were primarily in the U.S., but also included 3 from outside U.S. While some diversity is clearly good, especially at the graduate level, the high degree of diversity in today’s programs supports idea that reference curriculum is needed. *Coverage in required and semi-required courses

6 How Conservative Is the Education Establishment?
Of 68 institutions that have survived the past 500 years 2 are churches (Catholic, Lutheran) 2 are governments (Iceland, Isle of Man) 64 are universities This information may be a sign that universities know how to survive Which may be a sign that their relevance to society is lower than that of anything else! But the harder they resist, the harder they fall ..... Silber, John, “Straight Shooting; What’s Wrong with America & How to Fix it”, 1990

7 The Changes in Computing

8 We Must Innovate! Re-invent Re-engineer Re-think the way we educate
... or someone else will do it for us they already are! We faced similar problems in industry with competition from global competitors and such The way we have survived is to reengineer ourselves That means redesigning how we design, produce and deliver our products Those of us who don’t innovate are going out of business What We Teach How We Teach

9 Lectures broadcast by:
An Example: Expanding the Reach of a Conventional Graduate SW Engineering Program Lectures broadcast by: Microwave >> Videotape >> DVD >> Internet Many more students per course Students from all over the world All materials now downloaded from www All communication via internet ( ) Exams conducted via on-site proctors Or re-engineered to not need proctors Assignments graded as completed Here is one very modest example that I have been involved with At Southern Methodist University, where I am an adjunct professor, we have introduced a large number of videotape courses Our entire graduate program in engineering is available on videotape These courses change a lot of the incidental aspects of how we educate But the result is lower cost and better customer satisfaction

10 Student Observations Recorded is better than live because I can watch it any time I want to. I can rerun the recording if I did not understand. Better Organized I can schedule around personal obligations. A large portion of the students taking these courses are working people doing this part time Students are generally quite enthusiastic about it Here are some of the comments made by students in the program The most important benefit is that the approach fits the students’ lives better than conventional courses

11 Sample Personal Difficulties Accommodated With This Program
Spouse passed away Developed multiple sclerosis Used computer to do assignments because could not write by hand! Soldier reassigned to Bosnia Did assignments via www / internet Divorced Crash project at work To illustrate, here is a representative sample of real-life developments in students’ lives that we have been able to accommodate with this program Every one of the examples I am using here is from a student who did finish the courses - whereas with many conventional courses they would have been forced to drop out of the course or even the whole program

12 The Way Forward is to Re-engineer How We Educate
Experience from Corporate Reorganizations: Technology helped But rethinking the process made the biggest impact We must rethink education the way we rethink the design of systems when they are too slow or too large Remember from my previous remarks that technology is only a small part of the solution The larger opportunity comes with reengineering the process Which means taking education very seriously and reinventing how we do it ----- Here again, engineers have an edge ...

13 The Special Opportunity for Software Engineers
Software engineers make applications faster, smaller, & more efficient We use techniques such as re-engineering, optimization, etc. Systems Thinking And we use We understand processes and process engineering because that is what engineering is all about Consider some analogies ....

14 Concluding Remarks If higher education is to survive and grow, we must innovate Software engineers are uniquely well qualified to do this We know the technology We understand processes If we don’t, somebody else will Graduate Software Engineering can lead the way To summarize If traditional university education is to continue to thrive, we must do things differently As engineering professionals we have a lot of advantages We know the technology We know processes Let’s do it!

Recommended Reading Goldratt, Eliyahu M. & Jeff Cox, The Goal, (North River Press, 1984, ISBN ) Also, Theory of Constraints and It’s Not Luck. GOLDRATT’S THEORIES OF CYCLE TIME, CONSTRAINT MANAGEMENT, AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES ON WHICH TO REENGINEER. Hammer, Michael & James Champy, Reengineering the Corporation, (Harper Collins, 1993, ISBN ) PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE REENGINEERING Swartz, James B., The Hunters and the Hunted, (Portland, Oregon, Productivity Press, 1994) ISBN PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT, WITH EMPHASIS ON CYCLE TIME AND INSTITUTIONAL BARRIERS TO IMPROVEMENT Weinberg, Gerald M. Quality Software Management, Volume 1, Systems Thinking, (New York, Dorset House, 1992) ISBN Also Volume 2, First Order Measurement, 1993, ISBN EXPLORES QUALITY AND PROCESS IMPROVEMENT WITH MANY INSIGHTS FROM A PSYCHOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL VIEWPOINT This is a bibliography of relevant reading material

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