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Tiger Sharks by Max Fielder

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Presentation on theme: "Tiger Sharks by Max Fielder"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tiger Sharks by Max Fielder

2 The Scientific Name for the Tiger Shark is:
Galeocerdo cuvier (Ga Lee oh Serrdo Soo Vee Yay)

3 Tiger Sharks are not half shark, half tiger

4 Tiger Sharks are: Enormous. They can weigh up to 1400 pounds and grow to 14 feet long. They are grey on top and off-white on bottom. They are designed to swim fast.

5 Tiger Sharks are the trash compactors of the sea. They eat EVERYTHING
Stuff Tiger Sharks Eat: Birds Stingrays Turtles Seals License plates Tires

6 When A Tiger Shark is Born
Tiger Shark pups are only 20 inches long when they are born. Even though they are so small they have to survive on their own.

7 But Tiger Sharks are Excellent Survivors

8 Survival Skills Their skin is grey and white with stripes which gives them camouflage in the ocean. If a predator does find them, they are built for speed and can turn very quickly.

9 They are so good at surviving they have only one enemy:

10 Tiger Sharks are very interesting animals
We should protect them

11 Thank You

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