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Presentation on theme: "ADVANTAGES OF USING A RUNNING MACHINE"— Presentation transcript:


2 We all know running is a vital part of exercising when maintaining a fit and healthy body. Using a fitness treadmill provides a wonderful cardiovascular workout for your heart, your lungs, and your circulation. There low impact on your joints, which makes it easier and less painful to workout. Your running machine console should a heart rate monitor as one of its main features. If you know your resting heart rate and your target heart rate which is the highest number you can reach for maximum benefits from your workout, your workout will be more beneficial. Your speed, your time and your distance should also be displayed on the console. The fitness treadmill machine is a particular fitness machine employed for walking or jogging although staying in the same place.

3 Here are some advantages of using a running machine;
• Regular street running can be dangerous to the joints of the legs along with the lower back with frequent damage being tendon strains and stress fractures. Fitness treadmill delivers the benefit of reduced impact since they all deliver some kind of shock absorption. Doing exercises with a home treadmill reduces the strain to your ankles, knees and lower back that would be related to jogging on a traditional surface. • Users that would not be happy to run or possibly go walking outdoors (e.g. on account of irregular path surfaces, unwanted attention, unfavourable climate conditions or even unsafe neighbourhoods) can make use of a domestic fitness treadmill machine. • Men and women who could possibly be self-conscious inside a conventional physical fitness centred would be happier utilizing an indoor running machine in the home. • Whilst using a home fitness treadmill machine you are able to other things including reading a book or possibly viewing television. • Electrically powered models make possible exact calculation and adjustment of slope, speed and distance completed.

4 Whether you attend a local gymnasium to train or you workout at home, you need to start slowly and work your way up. Where running machine is concerned, you should walk before you run. By building up slowly and walking to begin with for the first few sessions of your training routine, you prepare your muscles, joints and ligaments for running as the impact could otherwise cause you injuries. Depending upon the individual using the fitness treadmill, it may be possible to advance into a light jog, progressing from a light tempo, slow walking pace initially after a few weeks or months. Those people with low fitness levels, recovering from injury or some elderly people will almost definitely benefit from this slow build. When you are ready to progress into running on a fitness treadmill, you can get a fantastic cardiovascular workout by calculating and remaining within your target heart rate range or zone. Variable incline for more resistance helps you to improve your fitness and endurance levels gradually. By taking regularly physical activity and combining it with eating healthy, you have a great formula for achieving controlled weight loss.


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