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The 100 Year Life; Setting the Context

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Presentation on theme: "The 100 Year Life; Setting the Context"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 100 Year Life; Setting the Context
Susan HayesCulleton “The Positive Economist”

2 Susan HayesCulleton, CFA


4 Age = Stage Employment Retire ment Assets Education Age



7 Peer-to-Peer Economy services transport money space food utilities
clothes COMPANY learning GOODS Source: What is the Sharing Economy? The Positive Economist, October 2015

8 My Personal Development Plan
Year My Personal Development Plan Susan HayesCulleton

9 Resource: Stress Testing Your Skillset, CPA Skillnet Career Advice Centre

10 Mentoring Reverse Knowledge Cultural Understanding
Visibility for Promotion Potential Champion Provide direction New technology/experience Market Research Visibility of talent Greater retention Prevents executive isolation


12 Tweet me at @SusanHayes_
“By going after what you truly want, you empower others to follow in your footsteps” Susan HayesCulleton Tweet me

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