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Bum-Hoon Lee Sogang University

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1 Bum-Hoon Lee Sogang University
Workshop of April 19, 2017 Report on AsiaHEP Bum-Hoon Lee Sogang University

2 Organization ICFA Linear Collider Organization
Pier Oddone Linear Collider Organization Program Advisory Committee Linear Collider Board FALC Sachio Komamiya Regional Directors Brian Foster Harry Weerts Directorate Lyn Evans Deputy (Physics) Hitoshi Murayama Linear Collider Collaboration ILC Mike Harrison CLIC Steinar Stapnes Physics & Detectors Hitoshi Yamamoto

3 ACFA The primary purpose of ACFA shall be to strengthen regional collaboration in accelerator-based science. In particular, ACFA seeks cooperative ways ACFA will carry out its business according to the following guiding principles ACFA is open to any active region in Asia which is willing to contribute to the advancement of accelerator-based science. ACFA will closely cooperate with ICFA (International Committee for Future Accelerators).

4 Asian Forum for Accelerators and Detectors (AFAD)
A technology oriented inter-laboratory collaboration 1) Accelerator and its related technologies for photon science, 2) Accelerator and its related technologies for hadron (neutron) science, 3) Detector Technology Development, 4) Accelerator and its related technologies for other fields, 5) R&D for innovative accelerators, 6) Network and computing

5 FALC (Funding Agency for Large Colliders)
Membership Representatives/nominees of funding agencies (up to 5-7 per region) Invited as observers and providing status reports: Chairs of ICFA and Linear Collider Board (LCB) Director, Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) One laboratory director from each region Current members and invitees Representatives from Canada, China, France , Germany , India, Italy , Japan , Korea, Spain, UK, US, and CERN council ICFA Chair, LCB Chair, LCC Director, CERN, Fermilab & KEK Directors

6 “AsiaHEP” launched in July, 2012
Present members : Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan Purpose: Exchange of information about; National/regional strategies, roadmaps and projects International/global activities, etc. Deliver our message to the outside world e.g. ACFA, ICFA, FALC, HEP community worldwide, general public Coordinate the AAPPS HEP Division Organize the APPC session and other Division activities Encourage HEP community in an emerging country Hold a regular meeting e.g. synchronize with ACFA/AFAD

7 Short History the joint meeting of the 24th ACFA and 7th AsiaHEP
was held at Lanzhou on 19 Jan The 6th AsiaHEP Meeting was held at Kyoto University on 4 February ( ) * A group photo at the meeting (right) The 5th AsiaHEP Meeting was held at IHEP Dongguan Branch on January ( ) The 4th AsiaHEP Meeting was held at the University of Melbourne on 17 January ( 2nd : Feb., 2013 1st : July, 2012

8 Members China Dr. Yifang WANG Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP)
Australia Dr. Geoffrey TAYLOR The University of Melbourne, ARC Centre of Excellence for Particle Physics at the Terascale (CoEPP) China Dr. Yifang WANG Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) Zhengguo ZHAO The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) India Rohini GODBOLE Centre for High Energy Phys, Indian Inst of Science (IISc) Sunanda BANERJEE Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) Japan Yasuhiro OKADA High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Sachio KOMAMIYA The University of Tokyo Mitsuaki NOZAKI High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Atsuto SUZUKI High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Russia Vladimir BLINOV Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP) Taiwan Wei-Shu HOU National Taiwan University (NTU) (Chair) Yee Bob HSIUNG National Taiwan University (NTU) Korea ~ 2016 Dongchul SON (Kyungpook Nat Univ) Bum-Hoon LEE (Sogang Univ.) 2017 ~ Pyungwon KO (KIAS) Bum-Hoon LEE (Sogang Univ.)

9 5 members X 3 regions + chair = 16 members + secretary
Chair Sachio Komamiya (The University of Tokyo) Americas Jonathan Bagger (Johns Hopkins University) The Fermilab Director (Pier Oddone) David MacFarlane (SLAC) Lia Merminga (TRIUMF) Hugh Montgomery (Jefferson Lab) Asia ~ 2016: China 2, Japan 1, Korea 1, India1, 2017 ~ : China 1, Japan 2, Korea 1, India 1 * Korea : ~ 2016 : Sunkee Kim (RISP) ~ Eunil WON (Korea Univ.) Europe The CERN Director-General (Rolf Heuer) The DESY Director of Particle Physics (Joachim Mnich) Francois Le Diberder (IN2P3) The JINR Director (Victor Matveev) Lenny Rivkin (PSI) Secretary Roy Rubinstein berder 26 February, 2013 BINP Novosibirsk

10 Korean Representatives in ACFA & AsiaHEP
ACFA : cf : AFAD 2018 hosted by IBS FALC : DongChul Son, may not be able to serve any more from 2017 - May take time before the next member - Meanwhile, may have an observer (Pyongwon Ko) LCB : Sunkee Kim, expressed resignation - Successor from Feb : Eunil Won (Korea U.) AsiaHEP : Dongchul Son & Bum-Hoon Lee since 2012 - D. Son may not be able to serve any more - PyongWon Ko (KIAS) agreed to serve from 2017 - Additional Experimentalist under discussion * KCHEP is going to help in these arrangements.

11 Miscellany FKPPL : report by P. Ko

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