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The Quantum Limit and Beyond in Gravitational Wave Detectors

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1 The Quantum Limit and Beyond in Gravitational Wave Detectors
Quantum nature of light Quantum states of mirrors Nergis Mavalvala APS, April 2009

2 Outline Quantum limit for gravitational wave detectors
Origins of the quantum limit Vacuum fluctuations of the EM field Quantum states of light Squeezed state injection and generation Quantum states of the mirrors Radiation pressure induced dynamics Prospects for observing quantum effects in macroscopic objects (mirrors)

3 Quantum noise in Initial LIGO
Shot noise Photon counting statistics Radiation pressure noise Fluctuating photon number exerts a fluctuating force

4 Advanced LIGO Quantum noise everywhere
Radiation pressure noise Stronger measurement  larger backaction Shot noise More laser power  stronger measurement

5 Origin of the Quantum Noise Vacuum fluctuations

6 Quantum states of light
Coherent state (laser light) Squeezed state Two complementary observables Make on noise better for one quantity, BUT it gets worse for the other X1 and X2 associated with amplitude and phase uncertainty X1 X2

7 Quantum Noise in an Interferometer
Caves, Phys. Rev. D (1981) Slusher et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (1985) Xiao et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (1987) McKenzie et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (2002) Vahlbruch et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (2005) Radiation pressure noise Quantum fluctuations exert fluctuating force  mirror displacement X1 X2 Laser X1 X2 Shot noise limited  (number of photons)1/2 Arbitrarily below shot noise X1 X2 X1 X2 Vacuum fluctuations Squeezed vacuum

8 Squeezing injection in Advanced LIGO
Laser GW Detector SHG Faraday isolator Squeezing source The squeeze source drawn is an OPO squeezer, but it could be any other squeeze source, e.g. ponderomotive squeezer. OPO Homodyne Detector Squeeze Source GW Signal

9 Advanced LIGO with squeeze injection
Radiation pressure Shot noise

10 Desired properties of squeezed states for GW detectors
Squeezing in the GW band (10 Hz to 10 kHz) Large squeezing factors (e.g. 10 dB  factor of 3 improvement in strain sensitivity) Compatibility with other noise sources (“Do no harm” in GW band) Stable long term operation of squeezer Frequency-dependent squeezing

11 Squeezed state generation

12 How to squeeze? My favorite way A tight hug

13 How to squeeze photon states?
Need to simultaneously amplify one quadrature and de-ampilify the other Create correlations between the quadratures Simple idea  nonlinear optical material where refractive index depends on intensity of light illumination

14 Squeezing with optical nonlinearity
The sum of correlated upper and lower quantum sidebands  a squeezed state

15 Squeezing using nonlinear optical media

16 Basic principle The output photon quadratures are correlated a a b b a
Parametric oscillation Second harmonic generation a a The output photon quadratures are correlated a b a Parametric amplification

17 Typical squeezer apparatus
Noise power (dBm/rtHz) Frequency (Hz) Vahlbruch et al., New Journal of Physics 9, 371 (2007) Vacuum (shot) Squeezed Dark Second harmonic generator (SHG) Convert 1064 nm  532 nm with ~50% efficiency Optical parametric oscillator (OPO) Few 100 mW pump field (532 nm) correlates upper and lower quantum sidebands around carrier (1064 nm)  squeezing Balanced homodyne detector Beat local oscillator at 1064nm with squeezed field Laser IFO OPO Faraday rotator ASPD SHG

18 Squeezing injection Second harmonic generator (SHG) Laser
Convert 1064 nm  532 nm with ~50% efficiency Optical parametric oscillator (OPO) Few 100 mW pump field (532 nm) correlates upper and lower quantum sidebands around carrier (1064 nm)  squeezing Balanced homodyne detector Beat local oscillator at 1064nm with squeezed field Laser IFO OPO Faraday rotator ASPD SHG

19 Frequency-dependent Second harmonic generator (SHG) Laser
Noise power (dBm) Frequency (MHz) Vahlbruch et al., Phys.Rev.Lett.95, (2005) Second harmonic generator (SHG) Convert 1064 nm  532 nm with ~50% efficiency Optical parametric oscillator (OPO) Few 100 mW pump field (532 nm) correlates upper and lower quantum sidebands around carrier (1064 nm)  squeezing Balanced homodyne detector Beat local oscillator at 1064nm with squeezed field Laser IFO OPA Faraday rotator ASPD Filter cavities SHG

20 Squeezing injection in 40m prototype
Laser Prototype GW detector SHG Faraday isolator The squeeze source drawn is an OPO squeezer, but it could be any other squeeze source, e.g. ponderomotive squeezer. OPO Homodyne Detector Squeeze Source Diff. mode signal

21 Squeeze injection in a suspended-mirror interferometer: 40m prototye (Caltech)
Here is the apparatus of the quantum enhanced detector. Just like the LIGO detector, the interferometer has a Fabry-Perot cavity in each arm, a so-called power-recycling mirror, and a signal-recycling mirror. And there is a laser frequency- and intensity-stabilizer to stabilize the laser. Also, there is a triangular cavity with 4kHz linewidth to further suppress the laser intensity and frequency noise. Finally, I built the squeezer and injected the squeezed state into the output port of the interferometer. The squeezer is mainly composed of an optical parametric oscillator and a second harmonic generator. I will explain a little bit more about each major component.

22 Measurement of squeezing Balanced Homodyne Detection

23 Quantum enhancement at 40m
2.9 dB or 1.4x K. Goda, O. Miyakawa, E. E. Mikhailov, S. Saraf, R. Adhikari, K.McKenzie, R. Ward, S. Vass, A. J. Weinstein, and N. Mavalvala, Nature Physics 4, 472 (2008)

24 Crystal squeezing experiments Progress in last ~half decade
Squeezing at audio frequencies Filter cavities for frequency-dependent squeezing Detailed calculations of noise couplings to establish fundamental limits Coherently controlled squeezing  long term operation 10 dB of available squeezing GW interferometers 6 dB at frequencies > 10 Hz, 11 dB at MHz Suspended interferometer test at 40m

25 Squeezing Enhancement in LIGO
Design squeezing source for injection into Advanced LIGO Possible test of low-noise, low-frequency performance in Enhanced LIGO

26 Squeezing Enhancement in GEOHF
Improve high frequency sensitivity Expect to install in summer 2009

27 Radiation pressure the other quantum noise

28 Radiation pressure rules!
Experiments in which radiation pressure forces dominate over mechanical forces Classical light-oscillator coupling effects (dynamical backaction) Optical cooling and trapping of mirrors Opportunity to study quantum effects in macroscopic systems Observation of quantum radiation pressure Generation of squeezed states of light Entanglement of mirror and light quantum states Quantum ground state of (kilo)gram-scale mirrors Optical spring Optical damping

29 Optically trapped and cooled mirror
Optical fibers Teff = 6.9 mK N = 105 Mechanical Q = 20000 Cooling factor larger than mechanical Q because Gamma = Omega_eff/Q. The OS increases Omega but doesn’t affect Gamma (OS is non-mechanical), so Q must increase to keep Gamma constant. 1 gram mirror T. Corbitt, C. Wipf, T. Bodiya, D. Ottaway, D. Sigg, N. Smith, S. Whitcomb, and N. Mavalvala, Phys. Rev. Lett 99, (2007)

30 Cast of characters MIT NSF Collaborators Keisuke Goda Thomas Corbitt
Christopher Wipf Timothy Bodiya Sheila Dwyer Nicolas Smith Eugeniy Mikhailov Edith Innerhofer MIT LIGO Lab NSF Collaborators Roman Schnabel and group Henning Vahlbruch Yanbei Chen and group Helge Müller-Ebhardt Henning Rehbein Stan Whitcomb Daniel Sigg Rolf Bork Alex Ivanov Jay Heefner Caltech 40m Lab David McClelland and group Kirk McKenzie Ping Koy Lam LIGO Scientific Collaboration

31 The End GW Detector Laser Faraday isolator Homodyne Detector GW Signal
SHG Faraday isolator OPO Homodyne Detector Squeeze Source GW Signal

32 Supplementary info

33 Quantum states of light
Classical light Quantum optics

34 Squeezing with optical nonlinearity
The sum of correlated upper and lower quantum sidebands  a squeezed state

35 High Level of Squeezing & Long-Term Stability
High nonlinearity LiNbO3 vs PPKTP Low optical losses Use supermirrors High pump power 1 W or higher Thermally stable Wider phase-matching temperature range PPKTP (KTiOPO4) Crystal

36 Second-Harmonic Generator (SHG)
SHG conversion efficiency = 30% The second-harmonic field pumps the OPO cavity

37 Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO)
High power (few 100 mW) green pump field in OPO correlates upper and lower quantum sidebands around carrier  squeezing Output Coupler The OPO is a 2.2cm long cavity with a quasi-phase matched periodically poled KTP crystal with two external mirrors in a traveling wave cavity configuration. The vacuum-seeded OPO is pumped by an energetic second-harmonic field to correlate upper and lower quantum sidebands around the carrier frequency and generates a squeezed state of vacuum. Input Coupler PPKTP Crystal

38 Measurement Balanced Homodyne Detection

39 Audio frequency squeezing
Noise power (dBm/rtHz) Frequency (Hz) Vahlbruch et al. (2007) Vacuum (shot) Squeezed Dark

40 Frequency dependent squeezing
Vahlbruch et al., Phys.Rev.Lett.95, (2005)

41 Frequency-dependent squeezing
Noise power (dBm) Frequency (MHz) Vahlbruch et al., Phys.Rev.Lett.95, (2005)

42 Frequency-dependence with state tomography

43 Frequency-dependence with state tomography

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