Native American Myths and Songs

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Presentation on theme: "Native American Myths and Songs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Native American Myths and Songs
September 28/29

2 Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Grab your notebook Grab your textbook
Begin working on the Warm-Up Origin myths explain how the world came into being. In 5 sentences or more Explain how you believe the world came to be

3 E-Book Set-Up How to Set-Up Your E-Book:
1. Go to the website:  2. Click Login : Bottom Right Corner 3. Enter your Username: firstname.lastname.nnps Example: John.Smith.nnps 4. Enter your Password as your student ID Number

4 Pick One From Each Category
Topic, Information and Ideas: What do I learn about the topic? What do I think the text is mainly about? Language: What words or phrases stand out to me? What do the author’s words cause me to see? Perspective: Who is the intended audience of the text?

5 Our Purpose for Reading
To analyze elements of Oral Literature in origin myths and tribal songs. Today’s Selections Osage Creation Account – p.11 Navajo Creation Myth – p.12 Song of the Sky Loom – p.16 Prayers to the Pacific – p.17 (Modern Day)

6 How to Win the Day Read every assigned text
Answer your 3 questions for each text Answer the questions at the bottom of each text slide Be checked out by me

7 Osage Creation Account – 10 Min
Page: 11 Read the selection Answer your 3 chosen questions Answer the following: What problems did the Wazha’zhe encounter once they left their home? How do the Wazha’zhe feel about their new home?

8 The Navajo Creation Myth – 10 Min
Page 12 Read the Selection Answer your 3 Questions Answer the text-questions below: What did the Badger do to get black paws? How do the people come up into the Fourth World? How is the Fourth World made livable for people?

9 Let’s Discuss These two creation myths start in opposite places: One in the sky, and the other in worlds below What does this origin suggest about how each group of people views its connection to the natural world?

10 Song of the Sky Loom – 10 Minutes
Page 16 Read the selection Answer your Pick 3 Answer the text-questions below: What do the speakers ask for in return for their gifts? According to the song, whom was it written for? What do the speakers call themselves? Where do the speakers want to walk?

11 Prayer to the Pacific – 10 Min
Page 17-18 Read the selection Answer your Pick 3 Questions Answer the text-questions below: What does the speaker take from the ocean? What images do you see in the song? Draw an image that stood out to you.

12 Exit Which of today’s selections stood out the most to you? Explain why using an example from the text.

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