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TCP-LP: A Distributed Algorithm for Low Priority Data Transfer

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1 TCP-LP: A Distributed Algorithm for Low Priority Data Transfer
Group 5 Andrei Bersatti Jeff Waters

2 TCP’s Greedy Algorithm
TCP attempts to use all available bandwidth. If two TCP connections are sharing the same link they will each use a “fair share” of the bandwidth. What if you wanted one TCP flow to get more bandwidth than another TCP flow? Not possible with TCP’s “fair share” bandwidth allocation

3 Goals of TCP-LP Utilize only the excess network bandwidth, and share it fairly among all TCP-LP flows. Be transparent to TCP flows. The presence of a TCP-LP connection will not affect the bandwidth enjoyed by TCP. Require no modification of the existing network infrastructure.

4 What type applications would use TCP-LP?
Low-priority file transfer over the internet using low speed access links. Inference of available bandwidth for network monitoring and performance control. Example: Selecting a mirror site with highest available bandwidth.

5 How does TCP-LP work? TCP-LP uses a one-way delay to anticipate congestion and adjust its control window. Calculating delay: Sender timestamps packet A. Receiver ACK’s with time-stamped packet B. Echoes the timestamp on packet A. Sender calculates one-way delay based on the timestamps. Smooth delays: sdi = (1-a)sdi-1 + (a)di Why one-way delay and not RTT?

6 When can we infer congestion?
During Slow Start calculate: dmin = min delay = E{delay} dmax = max delay When sdi crosses a threshold then send Early Congestion Indication (ECI). How does TCP-LP get a Max Queue Estimate?

7 Window Management Slow Start
Upon ECI set W=W/2 and set Inference Time-out Timer (itt). While itt has not expired, keep W constant. If ECI received while itt not expired then set W=1. If no ECI received and itt expires, W=1+1/W If in last roundtrip time TCP-LP reacted to ECI, ignore consecutive ECI. WHY?

8 Graphs and Parameters Three parameters:
a (1/8) is the smoothing parameter: sdi = (1-a)sdi-1 + (a)di, b (.15) is the threshold parameter: threshold = dmin + (dmax-dmin)b iit (RTT*3) is the Inference Time-out Timer

9 What results would you expect to see with TCP vs. TCP-LP?

10 How does TCP-LP react to background traffic modeled as a square wave?
TCP-LP will utilize approximately 50% of the available bandwidth during the idle period. Surprisingly, this utilization is higher than that of a typical TCP connection.

11 Benefits of TCP-LP TCP-LP is a end-to-end solution that does not require any modification of the network infrastructure. TCP-LP is able to utilize available bandwidth without perturbing non-TCP-LP flows. Competing TCP-LP flows share the excess bandwidth fairly. If bulk data transfers use TCP-LP rather than TCP, file transfer times of TCP based web traffic are significantly reduced.

12 Critique Network independence good for friendliness.
TCP-LP Congestion Control is too aggressive...perhaps keep W=W/2 until a lower threshold is reached and only then set W=1. Might not be effective when used in conjunction of Early Congestion Control flavors of TCP such as Vegas.

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