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Stage 18 Vocabulary

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1 Stage 18 Vocabulary

2 Audeo, audēre dare

3 audace (It), audacious, audaciously, audacity

4 caput,capitis head

5 achievable, achieve, achievement, achiever, ancipital, beef cattle, biceps,
bicipital,cabbage, cabbage-eater, cabbage-flower, cabbage-plant, cabochon, cabouche, cabosh, cad, cadastral, cadastre, caddie, caddy, cadet, cadetship, cap, cape (land), capita, capital, capitalism, capitalist, capitalistic, capitalization, capitalize, capitally, capitate, capitatim, capitation, capitative, capitol, capitulant, capitular, capitulary, capitulate, capitulation, capitulationism, capitulationist, capitulator, capitulum, capo, caps, captain, captaincy, Captain Nemo, captainship, caput, catalo, cattle, cattleman, caudillo, chapter, chattel, chef, chef d’oeuvre (Fr), chevet, chief, chiefly, chieftain, chieftainship, cocaptain, commander-in-chief, co-precipitate, co-precipitation, dairy cattle, decapitalization, decapitalize, decapitate, decapitation, decapitator, exoccipital, handkerchief, jefe, kerchief, mischief, mischiefmaker, mischievous, mischievously, neckerchief, neocapitalist, noncapital, occipital, occiput, overachieve, overachiever, overcapitalize, paroccipital, per capita, planicipital, police captain, post captain, pre-capitalist, precipice, precipitable, precipitance, precipitancy, precipitant, precipitate, precipitately, precipitation, precipitative, precipitator, precipitous, precipitously, quadriceps, recap, recapitulate, recapitulation, sea captain, sinciput, space cadet, state capitalism, subcapital, suboccipital, tricaptain, triceps, unachieved

6 Coepi, coepere i began

7 cognosco, cognscere get to know

8 dea goddess

9 adieu (Fr), adios (Sp), ad maiorem Dei gloriam, Agnus Dei, AMDG, D. D
adieu (Fr), adios (Sp), ad maiorem Dei gloriam, Agnus Dei, AMDG, D.D., Dei gratia, deicidal, deicide, deific, deification, deificatory, deifier, deiform, deiformity, deify, deiparous, deism, deist, deistic, deitistical, deity, deityship, deodand, Deo gratias, Deo volente, deus ex machina, Deus vult, dieu (Fr), diva, divination, divinatory, divine, divinely, divineness, diviner, divinify, divinity, divinityship, divinization, divinize, Divvers, gloria in excelsis Deo, hyperdeity, joss, mon Dieu (Fr), Opus Dei, vox populi vox Dei, water deity

10 Demonstro, demonstrare

11 Discedo, discedere depart

12 fortasse perhaps

13 anfractuosity, anfractuous, calculifrage, chamfer, conchifragous, congelifract, counterfracture, diffract, diffraction, diffractive, diffractometer, diffractometry, effraction, fluctifragous, fractal, fractalize, fractile, fraction, fractional, fractionalize, fractionally, fractionary, fractionate, fractionation, fractionization, fractionize, fractious, fractiously, fractography, fracturable, fractural, fracture, frag, fragile, fragilely, fragility, fragment, fragmental, fragmentary, fragmentation, fragmentize, frail, frailly, frailness, frailty, frangible, frangiblility, fritter (waste), infract, infractible, infraction, infractious, infractor, infrangible, infringe, infringement, infringent, infringer, irrefrangible, irrefrangibly, nucifragous, leorefractometer, osprey, ossifrage, refract, refraction, refractive, refractively, refractometer, refractor, refractory, refrain (song), refrangible, saxifrage, saxifragous, septifragal, star fracture, stress fracture, unrefracted

14 ibi there

15 libenter gladly

16 manus hand

17 amanuensis, bimanous, countermaneuver, dextromanual, emancipate, emancipation, emancipationist, emancipatist, emancipative, emancipator, emancipatory, emancipist, ill-mannered, legerdemain, longimanous, maintain, maintainable, maintainer, maintenance, manacle, manage, manageability, manageable, manageably, management, manager, manageress, managerial, man(o)euver, maneuverable, manicotti, manicure, manicurist, manifest, manifestation, manifestative, manifestly, manifesto, maniple, manipulability, manipulable, manipular, manipulate, manipulation, manipulative, manipulator, manipulatory, manner, mannered, mannerism, mannerist, mannerless, mannerly, mano (Sp), manoir (Fr), manso (Sp), mansuetude, manual, manualist, manually, manubrium, manuduction, manufactory, manufacturable, manufactural, manufacture, manufacturer, manumission, manumit, manumitter, manumotive, manumotor, manure, manurial, manus, manuscript, manuscriptal, manuscription, mastiff, micromanage, micromanager, micromanagement, mismanage, mismangement, micromanipulator, MS, outmaneuver, pedimnous, quadromanous, quadrumana, quadrumanous, sex manual, stage manager, table manners, technomanager, unmanageable, unmanageably,

18 miles soldier

19 comilitant, commilitant, demilitarization, demilitarize, milit
comilitant, commilitant, demilitarization, demilitarize, milit., militancy, militant, militantly, militarily, militarism, militarist, militaristic, militarization, militarize, military, militate, militia, militiaman, nonmilitary, paramilitary, remilitarize milium: millet miliary, millet

20 nam for

21 nemo no one

22 Obsto, obstare obstruct

23 pars part

24 Peto, petere ask for

25 anticompetitive, appetency, appetite, appetible, appetizer, appetizing, centripetal, compete, competence, competency, competent, competently, competition, competitive, competitively, competitor, competitory, corticipetal, impetigo, impetuosity, impetuous, impetuously, impetuousness, impetus, inappetence, incompetence, incompetency, incompetent, incompetently, in perpetuum, noncompetitive, omnicompetence, omnicompetent, perpetual, perpetualism, perpetualist, perpetually, perpetual motion, perpetuance, perpetuant, perpetuate, perpetuation, perpetuative, perpetuator, perpetuity, perpetuum mobile, petitio principii, petition, petitonable, petionary, petionee, petitioner, petitive, petulance, petulancy, petulant, petulantly, repeat, repeated, repeatedly, repeater, repetend, repetiteur, repetition, repetitious, repetitiously, repetitive, repetitively, semicompetent, unappetizing

26 postea afterwards

27 pro in front of

28 quo where

29 Recuso, recusare refuse

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