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Natural Selection & Evolution

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1 Natural Selection & Evolution
missed grade 100 1 91 2 82 3 73 4 64 5 55 6 45 7 36 8 27 9 18 10 11 Natural Selection & Evolution

2 62. Describe Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection:
All living things compete for resources, only those that are best adapted will obtain those resources. Those that are BEST FIT will survive, reproduce, and pass on those traits to their offspring. Those that are least fit will die.

3 63. What are the mechanisms of evolution? Describe each
Natural Selection leads to an evolutionary change when some individuals with certain traits in a population have a higher survival and reproductive rate than others and pass on these inheritable genetic features 

4 Reproductive/geographical isolation
the inability of a species to breed successfully with related species due to geographical, behavioral, physiological, or genetic barriers or differences.

5 Gene flow may change the frequency and/or the range of alleles in the populations due to the migration of individuals or gametes that can reproduce in a different population. 

6 Genetic drift a random event that happens by chance in nature that influences or changes allele frequency

7 mutations can affect the phenotype and in turn, reduce the fitness of an organism or lead to the reproductive success and adaptability of an organism to its environment.

8 Recombination  is a process by which pieces of DNA are broken and recombined to produce new combinations of alleles. creating genetic diversity

9 Sexual Selection Individuals select mates, traits that are chosen become more common. Examples are colorful plumage in birds, which would not be common in natural selection, but are chosen by females and become common due to this choice.

10 Artificial Selection Humans select variations that will pass on and become more common. Examples would be any kind of breeding or farming practice.

11 Common Ancestory 64. Which of the structures below indicate a common ancestor? Analogous structures do NOT indicate common ancestory, but HOMOLOGOUS Structures do.

12 Homologies 65. This pictures is showing the % of amino acids that are the same as a humans. Amino acids are coded for by the DNA This is Molecular Homology

13 Explain the evolution of the two fish
The two fish most likely became separated by the Panama canal creating reproductive isolation. After many years of separation each fish changed and the two can no longer reproduce which means they are now two different species. This is known as speciation.

14 Taxonomy

15 Examples Eubacteria- Streptococcus Archaebacteria-Halophiles Protista- amoeba Fungi- yeast Plantae- Moss Animalia- worms

16 "King Phillip Came Over For Grandma's Soup"

17 Binomial Nomenclature
1st part comes from the Genus level and is always "capitalized".    2nd part comes from the Species level and is never capitalized.  (usually a descriptor of the organism like what is looks like, color, etc.) Common Name cat Binomial Name Felis domesticus

18 #71

19 Identify each organism below
Organism A: Arachnida Organism B: Coleoptera Organism C: Lepisiota Dichotomous Key: 1. a. The animal has eight legs …Arachnida b. The animal has six legs … go to 2 2. a. The animal has spots … Coleoptera b. The animal has stripes … Lepisiota

20 Ray-finned fish is the most primitive
as it evolved 1st Which organisms are most closely related? Why? They branched off from each other more closely than the others

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