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Breaking Barriers Marketing Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "Breaking Barriers Marketing Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Breaking Barriers Marketing Strategy
Bobby Miskura, Kristin Zeigler, Mike Miraglia,Nate Brown BOBBY

2 Presentation Plan Who we are Identify target audience Porter analysis
Marketing logistics Eliciting voice Promotional Video KRISTIN

3 Breaking Barriers Elite Training Facility Three- Trainer System
Scheduling Flexibility NATE

4 Target Audience Baseball players High school, College, Professional
Ages 14 and up High school, College, Professional Players who want to take their game to the next level BOBBY

5 Porter Analysis Rivalry New entrants Substitutes Suppliers Customers

6 Product/Adoption Life Cycle
BOBBY Product- growth segment, specialty gyms are becoming more prominent Early adopters- we want athletes that are proactive about taking their game to the next level- therefore we don’t want those who join with the majority.

7 Customer Funnel Awareness Elite baseball team, promotions and word-
of-mouth advertising. Knowledge Promotional video, brochure, and speaking with local athletes about our facility. Consideration Attending our clinics, inquiring about our service. Selection Receiving an initial evaluation. Satisfaction Renewing monthly membership. Advocacy Becoming part of our travel team, and communicating to friends. Loyalty Train with us regardless of trainer turnover, other teams, etc. Awareness Knowledge Consideration Selection Satisfaction Advocacy Loyalty MIKE Awareness- through our elite baseball team and promotions (clinics/ord-of-mouth) Knowledge- Promotional video, brochure, talking to current athletes and trainers Consideration- attending our clinics, inquiring with us Selection- Coming for an initial evaluation Satisfaction- Continue to renew monthly training Advocacy- part of the BB travel team, communicating to friends Loyalty- train with us regardless of trainer turnover, outside teams, etc.

8 Competitor Analysis KRISTIN 3 trainer stuff

9 Communications Channels
Events and Experiences Interactive Marketing Direct Marketing PR and publicity Through events and experiences we hope to communicate with our customers. We will be doing this by hosting a series of open clinics for members and non members. This way we are able to target not only our customers but potential. We will also be performing interactive marketing through our events and experiences as we will be talking with non members who attend these clinics and explain to them that we can be their gateway to the next level We will focus on communicating through our public relations and publicity. We will be doing this by publicizing our players success. We will add their accolades and accomplishments in our social media. We will also send updates on our players who sign with colleges and or professional teams. We will also be direct marketing by our brochures to our target players in order for us to directly communicate with them and demonstrate how we can benefit them

10 Eliciting Voice Daily Exit Surveys Confidentiality for Athletes
Only seen by head trainer Part of Monitoring and Measuring KRISTIN

11 Promotional Video

12 Thank You!

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