Performance Evaluation Process

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1 Performance Evaluation Process
June 21, July 11 and July 21

2 Performance Evaluation Process for Administrators
Overview of the Performance Evaluation Process Preparing for the Evaluation Discussion Feedback Basics Feedback vs. Criticism Basic Principles of Delivering Feedback The Employee Performance Evaluation Form Individual Category/Overall Rating Scale Key Dates in the Process

3 Overview of the Process
Each employee completes and submits a self- evaluation Manager reviews data/documentation from the past 12 months; include the self evaluation Manager completes the Employee Performance Evaluation Form Manager conducts the performance evaluation discussion with the employee Manager submits forms to VP/Dean for review VP/Dean assigns merit increase[s] based on input from manager and alignment with rating Ratings and increases communicated to employees Increases effective in October 2016

4 Preparing for the Evaluation Discussion
Consider the timing – choose a time when you think the person can “hear” what you have to say Be sure that you have read the self evaluation; be prepared to address disparities if you have a different view Know the outcomes that you want to achieve Examples: Reports delivered on time, improvement in Excel, etc. Identify specific areas for growth, improvement, and development

5 Performance Evaluation Don’ts
The performance evaluation process is not a disciplinary meeting; this not the time to inform the employee of problems Focus feedback on a single action – no “kitchen-sink,” approach or old issues you saved up for this discussion Explain how the action impacted the job, either positively or negatively Feedback should be clear, candid and direct No “sugar-coating” Be mentally prepared – no “ad-hoc”; Do not give an evaluation form to the employee and ask for a signature without discussion

6 Basic Principles of Feedback
Focus on the situation, issue or behavior – not the person Maintain the self-confidence or self-esteem of the person you’re talking to Maintain a constructive dialogue Take initiative to make things better How is this feedback going to help the employee? Lead by example

7 Feedback – structured and focused on behaviors
Feedback or Criticism Feedback – structured and focused on behaviors Criticism – unstructured and focused on the personal Feedback is ongoing so that there are no surprises in the review Feedback should be balanced Feedback should be timely and effective Feedback should be linked to actions Give relevant examples from the past year

8 As you give feedback Don’t rush – allow time for discussion Talk first about what was done well – focus on the positive Maintain objectivity Talk about areas where the individual can improve Be sensitive to the individual; give them time to digest the feedback If someone gets defensive or emotional, suggest that the meeting stop and reschedule for a later time.

9 As you give feedback Actively listen Be clear and consistent Use specific examples from the past 12 months Summarize the discussion Agree on development plans – this should be the last step of the performance evaluation

10 Individual Category and Overall Rating Scale
Exceptional (E) – performance far exceeds expectations due to exceptionally high quality of work performed. Completion of a major goal or project Made an exceptional or unique contribution in support of the unit, department, or College objectives Exceeds expectations (EE) – performance consistently exceeds expectations in most essential areas of responsibility; overall quality of work is very good. All annual goals should be met to achieve this score.

11 Individual Category and Overall Rating Scale
Meets expectations (ME) – performance met expectations occasionally exceeding expectations in most essential areas of responsibility Good overall quality of work Met most critical annual goals Do not equate to receiving a “C”. Rating should be used for majority of employees who come to work and perform all duties and responsibilities as needed. A good, solid performance.

12 Individual Category and Overall Rating Scale
Improvement Needed (I) – performance did not consistently meet expectations or failed to meet expectations in one or more essential areas of responsibility One or more critical goals were not met. A performance improvement plan that includes timelines, must be developed and monitored to measure employee progress. Unsatisfactory (U) – performance is consistently below expectations in most essential areas of responsibility Reasonable progress toward goals was not made. Employee must be placed on a performance improvement plan in order to maintain employment

13 Individual Category and Overall Rating Scale
Provisional (P) – the employee has been in the position for less than one full year and is satisfying the standards and expectations of a person learning or becoming oriented to a new position or assignment. New employees should receive a performance evaluation in order to clarify manager’s expectations and set departmental goals and objectives. For purposes of clarity, please assign one overall rating: ex., ME, E, vs. ME/EE, EE/I.

14 Key Dates Please note the following dates: June 6 – June 20: administrative employees complete self-evaluations June July 12: Managers/supervisors conduct performance evaluation discussions July 25 – August 15: Managers/Supervisors complete all evaluations and submits completed evaluations to VP/Dean August 26: Provost/Dean/VP finalize ratings/submit increase recommendations to Budget Office August 29: All evaluations due to Office of Human Resources October 1: Increases become effective

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