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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 1 MAPPING YOUR PATH TO SUCCESS"— Presentation transcript:

Concepts covered in chapter 1: Developing self-management skills Getting oriented to new settings Getting a world-wise view of life Developing a plan for success Strengthening your study skills

2 Chapter 1 Key Terms careers consequences deadline destination
evaluating feedback global observe oriented personal transition policies prioritizing procedures punctuality quality quantity responsibility roles self-management skills strategies world-wise view © JIST Publishing. Duplication Prohibited.

3 CAREERS A career is a person’s LIFE WORK!
Numerous options available for you Many careers don’t yet exist but will be available to you by the time you graduate from post-secondary (after high school) training/educational experiences! Narrow your options through learning NOW!

4 YOUR JOB RIGHT NOW Student / school
Most important JOB because it will likely determine your success in the future. Being a student is likely a temporary position - JOB Hopefully you become a LIFE-LONG LEARNER!!!! A CAREER LEARNER is a much more marketable individual than one who stops learning as soon as formal schooling ends.

5 SECTION 1-1: Mapping Your Success N.O.W.
Using the letters N.O.W. (an acronym) it is easy to remember three key points that are important to planning your future: N – New skills O – Orientation to new settings W – World-wise view

6 Learning New Study Strategies and Study Skills
Using an acronym for something that you must remember may be helpful Some common student related acronyms: FCHS, GPA, ECA, SAT, ACT Franklin Central High School Grade Point Average End-of-Course Assessment Scholastic Achievement Test American College Testing

7 N.O.W. The letters N-O-W can help you remember the key points that are important to planning your future: N = New skills O = Orientation to new settings W = World-wise view © JIST Publishing. Duplication Prohibited.

8 N.O.W. N – New skills You are becoming more independent– making more
decisions for yourself makes it necessary to develop new skills while using self-management skills.

9 Independence is very important!
Becoming independent means you must be able to take care of yourself: FINANCIALLY EMOTIONALLY (and) PHYSICALLY WITHOUT THE HELP OF OTHERS!!!!

10 Developing SKILLS is very important!
Skills are abilities. Being skilled means having the abilities to successfully complete tasks. Being skilled also means having the knowledge of how to do tasks.

11 Self-Management is very important!
Taking good care of yourself. To successfully manage yourself, you must understand the role of evaluations and then respond appropriately to the evaluations. Use feedback – both formal and informal – to improve both the quality and quantity of your performance.

12 N.O.W. O – Orientation Knowing where you are in relation to everything else. You will encounter many new situations in school, work, and the community. Getting oriented to those new situations usually occurs with information provided in the form of policies and procedures.

13 Personal Transitions Personal and professional growth result from recognizing and responding to personal transitions. Knowing and understanding the purpose of policies and procedures is an important part of meeting the performance requirements that come with being a student or an employee. It is also important to know and understand the consequences of NOT following policies and procedures.

14 N.O.W. W – World-Wise View Gaining an increased awareness of the world
and your place in it is important. Through technology, media, and telecommunications (e- mail) the world is easily accessible to everyone at any moment.

15 N.O.W. W – World-Wise View Having a world-wise view
includes understanding changing technologies, growing demands by people, and global competition thus helping you understand that you live in a very big world.

16 SECTION 1-2: Developing Skills in Self-Management
Self-management is critical to success. Part of taking responsibility involves evaluating (judging) two factors: The quality of your performance The quantity of your performance Evaluation should be viewed as a tool, rather than a punishment

17 SECTION 1-2: Understanding the Role of Evaluations
Evaluations are made everyday and should be viewed as helpful feedback Formal feedback = written evaluation of work performance, graded papers, rubric scoring, etc. Informal feedback = note on top of a paper such as “good job” or a co-worker saying “thank you”

18 SECTION 1-2: Understanding the Role of Evaluations
To successfully manage yourself, you must understand the role of evaluations and then respond appropriately to the evaluations. Use feedback – both formal and informal – to improve both the quality and quantity of your performance.

19 Performance Evaluation Form
Developmental goals for next review period 1.___________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________ Signatures Employee ___________________________________ Date __________ Employee Comments ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Supervisor/Manager ___________________________Date _________ Department Head ______________________________Date _________ Human Resources ______________________________Date _________ © JIST Publishing. Duplication Prohibited.

20 Performance Evaluation Form
Name _________________________ Job Title __________________ Manager ______________________ Department _______________ Review Period From _______________ To _______________ Purpose of Review:   ___ Introductory ___ Annual Performance ___ Other _____________ Score the performance in each job factor below on a scale of 5 to 1, as follows: 5 = Outstanding: Consistently exceeds the job factor expectations and is recognized by peers and/or customers as a leader and positive example for others. 4 = Above Expectations: Consistently meets and occasionally exceeds the job factor expectations. 3 = Meets Expectations: Consistently meets the job factor expectations. 2 = Below Expectations: Occasionally fails to meet the job factor expectations. 1 = Needs Improvement: Consistently fails to meet the job factor expectations, and a job performance improvement plan is required. © JIST Publishing. Duplication Prohibited.

21 Performance Evaluation Form
Section 1 - Job Performance SCORE   Enter up to five job knowledge and skill factors from the job description.   ______________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________    ______________________________________________________ Quality of work _________________________________ _____ Quantity of work ________________________________ _____ Negotiable item ________________________________ _____ Total Score =         _____ Comments ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ © JIST Publishing. Duplication Prohibited.

22 Performance Evaluation Form
Section 2 - Personal Performance SCORE Dependability _____ Attendance & Punctuality _____ Interpersonal Skills _____ Flexibility _____ Communication Skills _____ Teamwork _____ Customer Service _____ Negotiable Item ______________________________ _____ Total Score =       _____                                                                 Comments ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ © JIST Publishing. Duplication Prohibited.

23 Performance Evaluation Form
Section 3 - Personal Improvement SCORE Change environment support _____ Quality improvement support _____ Professional growth _____ Developmental goals accomplishment _____ Negotiable Item ______________________________ _____ Total Score = _____                                                                 Comments ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Points from Section 1 ____ + Section 2 ____ + Section 3 ____ = ____ Total © JIST Publishing. Duplication Prohibited.

24 SECTION 1-2: Responding Appropriately to Evaluations
Responding appropriately to evaluations is a critical part of the process of self-management. A positive attitude toward evaluation is the most productive response. Analyzing yourself, prior to someone else formally evaluating you, can lead to major self-improvement and better job performance!

25 QUIZ TIME! – Use this quiz to determine if you are skillfully managing yourself (this is self-analysis). Who do you blame for what happens to you? Who do you try to control? Do you take credit for what you do right or do you dismiss it? Do you admit when you make mistakes? Do you learn from every mistake? Do you think about the results of your actions before you act?

26 SECTION 1-2: Responding Appropriately to Evaluations
Use evaluations to improve your performance. Have a positive attitude toward evaluations. Evaluations will help you improve the way you work. Evaluations will enable you to reach many of the goals in life you set for yourself.

27 SECTION 1-3: Getting Oriented
Personal transitions created by new situations will require orientation: >learn policies and procedures >recognize the consequences of your choices >be responsible for yourself

28 SECTION 1-3: Getting Oriented Learn the Policies and Procedures
At school observing policies and procedures benefits you personally but who also benefits? In the workplace when employees follow policies and procedures who also benefits? When citizens observe the laws of their community who also benefits?

29 © JIST Publishing. Duplication Prohibited.
Sample Employee Handbook: SOME COMPANY Table of Contents A. On-the-Job Policies 1. Attendance, Punctuality and Dependability 2. Drug and Alcohol Abuse 3. Employee Assistance Program ("EAP") 4. Appearance and Conduct 5. Anti-Nepotism Policy (favoritism shown because of a family relationship) 6. Romantic or Sexual Relationships 7. Violence in the Workplace 8. Accidents and Emergencies 9. Open Door Policy 10. Internal Complaint Procedures © JIST Publishing. Duplication Prohibited.

30 Sample Employee Handbook: SOME COMPANY Table of Contents (cont.)
11. Solicitations, Distributions, and Use of Bulletin Boards 12. and Internet Policy 13. Employer Information and Property 14. Voice Mail Policy 15. Telephone Service Monitoring Practices 16. Use of Company Equipment and Computer Systems 17. Internal Investigations and Searches 18. Reference Checks 19. Smoking Policy 20. Tape Recording Policy 21. Tuition Reimbursement Policy © JIST Publishing. Duplication Prohibited.

31 Sample Employee Handbook: SOME COMPANY Table of Contents (cont.)
B. Leaving SOME COMPANY 1. Resignation 2. Dismissals Immediate Dismissals Misconduct Dismissals Other Than Immediate Termination 3. Post Resignation/Termination Procedures © JIST Publishing. Duplication Prohibited.

32 SECTION 1-3: Getting Oriented Recognize Consequences
What is the purpose of all of the policies and procedures at school? In the community? In society? In the world? Knowing and understanding the purpose of policies and procedures is an important part of meeting the requirements of being a student, an employee, or a citizen.

33 SECTION 1-3: Getting Oriented Recognize Consequences
Knowing and understanding the consequences of NOT following the policies and procedures (at school, at work, in the community, etc.) is also important! What do you gain from following the requirements? What do you lose by not following the requirements?

34 SECTION 1-3: Getting Oriented Recognize Consequences
Deadlines are part of an established policy or procedure. Do you meet deadlines or are you always late? What is the term for ignoring deadlines or putting off work until a later time? Ignoring policies and procedures causes classmates, co-workers, employers and customers alike to suffer the consequences.

3 keys to Self-Management and Becoming Oriented to Your Surroundings Know what is expected of you. Change your behavior if necessary. Meet the expectations or ask for help if you cannot meet them.

36 Keys to Self-Management
The three keys to self-management and becoming oriented to your surroundings include the following: Know what is expected of you. Meet those expectations or ask for help if you cannot meet them. Change your behavior if necessary.

37 Self-Management Skills
At School Attendance Come to school every day Punctuality Be on time Good attitude Work cooperatively with others Basic skills Be able to read, write, talk, listen, and compute well Problem solve Be able to choose good solutions to resolve issues Responsibility Set goals and be organized Honesty Can be trusted Leadership Motivate others toward goals On the Job Attendance Come to work every day Punctuality Be on time Good attitude Work cooperatively with others Basic skills Be able to read, write, talk, listen, and compute well Problem solve Be able to choose good solutions to resolve issues Responsibility Set goals and be organized Honesty Can be trusted Leadership Motivate others toward goals


39 SECTION 1-4: Getting a World-Wise View of Life
Means that you gain an awareness of the world and your place in it. Developments in technology have changed the world. These changes have made the world instantly connected and inter-connected. This increased contact has created GLOBAL COMPETITION.

40 SECTION 1-4: Getting a World-Wise View of Life
Global competition means people can be more demanding – Often expecting prices to be lower Often expecting quality to be better Companies must change because of: Developments in technology Global competition People’s demands

41 SECTION 1-4: Getting a World-Wise View of Life
Changes in companies means that workers have to change jobs and careers more often Statistics show: YOU are likely to change careers at least four times in your lifetime YOU may change jobs as many as ten times in your lifetime

42 SECTION 1-5: Planning for Success
Success usually does not just happen – you must actively plan and work to achieve goals and success Remember: Vision + Energy = Success First decide what you want (the vision or the goal) Next create a plan for getting it (the action or energy for reaching the goal)

43 SECTION 1-5: Planning for Success
Two strategies can be used to achieve success: Develop a plan (goals) Strengthen your study skills Goals must be S.M.A.R.T. (pg 19): Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed Use planning tools – calendars, organizers and lists – to create effective plans. High school students need to have a study plan to be successful in school.

44 SECTION 1-5: Planning for Success Develop a Plan
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Does it seem that you get overloaded at the last minute? Do you often seem to fall behind? Use four simple procedures to prevent such stress: Use a planner (you have one) Make a prioritized list Stay ahead – as in – avoid procrastination Stay healthy (including balancing your life with work and leisure activities)

45 SECTION 1-5: Planning for Success Strengthen Your Study Skills
Know HOW to study and develop a plan for studying. Strengthen your study skills – benefit now while you are in school benefit your entire life as having good study skills will help you learn new things in the workplace too. Form new study habits including these tips: >Study on purpose – develop the habit >Start NOW

46 SECTION 1-5: Planning for Success Strengthen Your Study Skills
>Find the best time. When is yours? >Commit to a plan and stick to it. >Do not get distracted. >Set the stage – have a healthy place to study with a desk, light and correct supplies >Use a system such as the 3 R’s: Read, React and Remember


48 Mapping Your Path to Success
YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS MAPPING YOUR PATH TO SUCCESS! Chapter 1 Test Tuesday, February 2nd!

49 Mapping Your Path to Success


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