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Petra – Employment and Education for the Young (EFS)

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1 Petra – Employment and Education for the Young (EFS)
City of Vantaa, Employment Services

2 Petra – Employment and Education for the Young
Provides one-stop employment services for the young Cooperates with businesses, authorities and the third sector Target group: every unemployed residents of the city of Vantaa between 17 and 24 years. Funded by the European Social Fund and City of Vantaa Coordinated by the Employment Services, City of Vantaa

3 Cooperation is the key Main co-operators:
Employment Services Office (Uudenmaan TE-toimisto) Kela – The National Pension Institute Kuntaliitto – The Finnish Local Government Employers Broad network co-operation within the city of Vantaa and with different NGOs. For example: Social and Health Services Labour Force Service Center Youth Workshops The Finnish Association for Mental Health The Young People Living Vantaa Association Schools, learning institutions

4 Personnel: Project Manager and 11 Service Counselors with different areas of responsibility: Job and trainee counseling Study counseling Social counseling Health counseling Financial and debt counseling Business cooperation Third sector cooperation Communication and online counseling

5 Petra – Employment and Education for the Young
Overall amount of customers since 2010: 3800, females 35 %, non-finnish/swedish speaking 12% Results: 900 jobs, 450 traineeships The young of the Petra Project all go through basic health checks and get guidance in life management Project promotes equality and non-discrimination in employment services

6 Cooperation with businesses
We help businesses to find potential employees We arrange recruitment events We inform about potential wage subsidies when recruiting young people We help manage employment- and apprenticeship-related administartive practices We help fill in forms related to apprenticeships and wage subsidies

7 Counselings 2012 Action Work 377 Others: Traineeship 176
Number of people Work 377 Others: Traineeship 176 Mental health services 115 Salary support 13 Intoxicant abuse counseling 51 Apprenticeships 6 Health care services 164 Education (vocational) 87 Social and welfare services 138 Employment policy training 68 National Pensions Institute 59 Special education institute 17 Financial and debt counseling 15 Labour Force Service Center 28 Rehabilitation examinations 5 Rehabilitiation course 8 Rehabilitation client work team 3 Rehabilitation work activity 11 Huolinuori 16 Training for work 34 OK?-group 41 Support person 29 Kipinä 31 No longer in need of Petra’s services 203 Youth start-up group 24 Total 1719

8 Counselings 2013 (1.1.-31.10) Action Work 269 Others: Traineeship 192
Number of people Work 269 Others: Traineeship 192 Mental health services 54 Salary support 33 Intoxicant abuse counseling 16 Apprenticeships 249 Health care services 188 Education (vocational) 95 Social and welfare services 44 Employment policy training 65 National Pensions Institute Special education institute 1 Financial and debt counseling 7 Labour Force Service Center 62 Rehabilitation examinations Rehabilitiation course 5 Rehabilitation client work team Rehabilitation work activity 6 Huolinuori 15 Training for work 25 OK?-group 17 Support person Kipinä 10 No longer in need of Petra’s services Youth start-up group Total 1372

9 Contact Information Project Manager: Employment Services Manager Annukka Jamisto Katariina Keskitalo Vernissakatu 8 c Asematie 10 A Vantaa Vantaa Finland Finland

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