The Impact of Women’s Leadership in the Public Service of Canada

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1 The Impact of Women’s Leadership in the Public Service of Canada
Clare Beckton- Executive- Director Centre for Women in Politics and Public Leadership Carleton University-

2 Purpose Study was done as part of Wilson Center’s Global Women’s Leadership Initiative Women in Public Service Project Do Women in the PS have an impact on policy, programs, operations, administration or workplace conditions?

3 Method Interviews with 26 male, and female EX’s and DM’s both retired and currently employed in the PS with a broad representation

4 Key findings Women have a significant impact on culture
- changing cultural norms, establishing an inclusive workplace and influencing leadership expectations Women have influenced policy, programs and operations

5 Findings Impact is difficult to measure No empirical measure of women’s impact

6 Findings Diversity Matters- All participants shared the perspective that diversity makes a difference Examples of differences were cited

7 Findings Factors that facilitated PS to make a difference included trust, Leadership programs and training, open, supportive, flexible management, , non-hierarchical approach, open and inclusive workplace culture, openness at the political level, ability to take initiative and innovate . Role models and mentors as well as intelligent and skilled team members are important

8 Findings Senior leadership lags- lacking a diversity mindset. Appointment process has not served women as well as the merit based approach

9 Recommendations Flatten the PS hierarchy and support women’s leadership style Lessen Fear through developing an approach to taking calculated risks and making mistakes Streamline accountability paperwork to free up time and energy of managers and teams Re-instate past successful and create new leadership development programs to build and strengthen leadership capacity Look at order-in council approach to ensure women and minorities are not disadvantaged

10 Recommendations Promote an inclusive workplace culture in areas where this has not yet taken root Routinely Include the feedback of employees in promotions consideration of managers Play a greater role to help other countries improve gender diversity and inclusion policies in their PS. Canada can exercise leadership

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