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2 White Collar WG Work plan adopted 09 March 2017
Marina Åman, Unionen Chairperson of the White Collar WG Executive Committee meeting London, 07 June 2017

3 Work Plan Organising White Collar Workers in Industry
Specific aspects of digitalisation of industry Crowd- and platform work (Automated) processing of worker-related data Work-life balance + Working time Effects on employment Participation in existing campaigns ”Equal pay for equal work” campaign Whistleblowing campaign

4 1: Organising White Collar workers in industry
Exchange analyses & Best Practices Identify common challenges, success factors & methods Define a tool box Cooperation with Task Force ”Building Trade Union Power” (workshop November)

5 2a: Digitalisation. Crowd- and platform work in industry
Survey: White Collar WG and Collective Bargaining & Social Policy Com Response by 24 May 2017 Analyses Documents & proposals

6 2b: Digitalisation. (Automated) processing of worker-related data
Issue: Massive surveillance + HR decisions taken by algorithms Upcoming survey: White Collar WG and Collective Bargaining & Social Policy Com Potential Position Paper Opportunity for iAllE to take the lead on the topic (with UNI?)

7 2c: Digitalisation. Work-life balance and Working Time
Parts of Social Pillar Active advocacy Issue: “Autonomous workers” (Art. 17.1) Issue: Scope of Working Time Directive + of Written Statement Directive Psycho-social risks

8 2d: Digitalisation. Employment of White-collars in industry
Existing studies Rights to Life-Long Learning

9 3a: Existing campaigns. Equal pay for equal work
Support of ETUC Payrise campaign Analysis of pay level differencies between white collars (North-South, East-West) Brain drains & Brain gains

10 3b: Existing campaigns. Whistleblowing
Led by EuroCadres Network of 48 trade unions & NGOs Backing ETUC resolution ”Whistleblowing and protection from blacklisting” Demand: Strong horizontal EU legislation to be implemented by national law (now 27 different legislations; even cases of nonexistence) Answer made to EC consultation (deadline was 29 May 2017)

11 Join us on industriAll_EU industriAll Europe

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