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WORLD WAR II Chapter 29.

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1 WORLD WAR II Chapter 29

2 Important Calendar Changes
Things that haven’t changed  Reading quiz tomorrow, Multiple Choice Friday, FRQ Monday Thing that ARE CHANGING  (1) We are discussing the WWII Peace Conferences AFTER the test (they will be on the reading quiz, but they will not be covered on multiple choice test until the last one) (2) Forget Chapter 30 – It’s not happening, it’s pointless. The next (and last) chapter you will read will be Chapter 31 (Chapter 31 ID QUIZ TUEDAY 28th)

3 FYI’s I will be out Thursday and Friday
You’ll have an assignment to complete Thursday and the test Friday Copy machine is down so I’m posting the Unit Study guide on line as well as the powerpoints – THIS AFTERNOON!

4 How the war started March 15, 1939, Hitler occupied Czechoslovakia
Spring, 1939, Germany put pressure on Poland to return the formerly German city of Danzig, and for the rights to build a connecting railroad through Poland to East Prussia. March 31st, Chamberlain announced a joint Franco-British guarantee of Polish independence. August 23rd, The Soviets signed a pact with Germany, agreeing to divide Poland between them. September 1st, Hitler invaded Poland. September 3rd, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

5 The German Conquest of Europe
Germany quickly overran Poland, using the new technique of Blitzkrieg Russia invaded from the east Blitzkrieg = “lightning warfare” As German panzer divisions burst deep into enemy territory, lethal Luftwaffe dive-bombers would decimate the enemy’s supply and communication lines and cause panic.

6 Conquest of Poland Thousands of Polish people massacred, villages destroyed to create Lebensraum

7 The German Conquest of Europe
German attack on France was delayed for months (“Phony War”) The French remained behind the Maginot Line, while the British rearmed and the British Navy blockaded Germany.

8 The German Conquest of Europe
April Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway. May began a Blitzkrieg through Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

9 The German Conquest of Europe
Finally Hitler attacked France, while Mussolini attacked from the south on June 10th, 1940 Less than a week later, the French, under Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, surrendered, signed armistice

10 A Divided France Eventually occupied by Axis in 1942 Henri Petain

11 The French Resistance Sabotaged infrastructure Provided intelligence
The Free French Sabotaged infrastructure Provided intelligence Important moral support Leader -General Charles DeGaulle

12 The Battle of Britain May Chamberlain replaced by Winston Churchill as PM, an early and forceful critic of Hitler. August Germany began bombardment of Britain, in the hopes of softening the country up for invasion

13 The Battle of Britain Germany managed to destroy much of London and kill 15,000 people However, they lost twice as many planes as the British, and were forced to abandon the invasion plan.

14 The Battle of Britain


16 Luftwaffe

17 Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
Signed September, 1940

18 Now Britain Is All Alone!

19 USA Lend-Lease Act Great Britain $31 billion Soviet Union $11 billion France $ 3 billion China $1.5 billion Other European $500 million South America $400 million The amount totaled: $48,601,365,000 US sent equipment, food in exchange for the leasing of naval bases

20 Up until this point, the Axis had made the greatest advances…

21 The German Attack on Russia
December 1940, Hitler tells his generals to prepare for an attack on Russia by May Operation Barbarossa. (Remember, they are supposed to have a pact/agreement!) Designed to destroy Russia before winter set in – predicted it would last about 10 weeks.

22 The German Attack on Russia
Operation Barbarossa didn’t not actually begin until June 22, 1941. The Russians were quite surprised, Stalin had not expected Hitler to violate their pact. In the first two days 2,000 Russian planes had be destroyed on the ground. By November 2.5 million of Russia’s initial 4.5 million troops were dead.

23 The German Attack on Russia
Operation Barbarossa didn’t not actually begin until June 22, 1941. The Russians were quite surprised, Stalin had not expected Hitler to violate their pact. In the first two days 2,000 Russian planes had be destroyed on the ground. By November 2.5 million of Russia’s initial 4.5 million troops were dead.

24 The German Attack on Russia
Hitler delayed the advance in August, to decide strategy. He diverted a troop south. By the time he got back to attacking Moscow, winter had ravaged his army, and the city was better fortified. It had turned into a war of attrition – the city of Leningrad was under siege for 506 days

25 Japan and the United States Enter the War
Throughout the 30s and 40s Japan’s Imperial interests had been thwarted by the United States October 1941, A war faction led by General Hideki Tojo took power in Japan. December 7th, 1941, The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, catching the Americans completely off guard. The US and Britain immediately declared war on Japan. Three days later, Germany and Italy declared war on the US.

26 Axis Powers and Allied Powers
Germany Italy Japan Allies Great Britain USA (to come) Soviet Union (France)

27 Axis Powers and Allied Powers
Allies Great Britain, USA, Soviet Union Axis Germany, Italy, Japan

28 The Tide Turns Spring 1942, the US had a string of victories against Japan in the Pacific Summer 1942, the Battle of Stalingrad raged for months, with the Russians eventually prevailing. The Germans lost an entire army November 1942, an Allied forced landed in French North Africa, defeating German forces there. July and August 1943, the Allies took Sicily. In 1943 the Allies began a massive bombing campaign in Germany. By 1945, the Allies could bomb at will.

29 Battle of Stalingrad November 1942
Great turning point in War & Soviet victory Hitler ordered his men to hold, ended up losing more than 300,000 men By summer of 1943, Soviets had pushed Germany way back

30 Battle of Stalingrad German Army Russian Army 1,011,500 men
10,290 artillery guns 13,541 artillery guns 675 tanks 894 tanks 1,216 planes 1,115 planes

31 The Defeat of Nazi Germany
June 6th, D-day, a British-American invasion force landed at Normandy beach on the coast of northern France. By the beginning of September, France had been liberated.

32 The Defeat of Nazi Germany
June 6th, 1944, D-day, a British-American invasion force landed at Normandy beach on the coast of France. By the beginning of September, France had been liberated.

33 The Defeat of Nazi Germany
December 1944, the Germans launched a counter attack in Belgium and Luxembourg. Known as “The Battle of the Bulge,” this was Germany’s last attempt in the West.

34 The Defeat of Nazi Germany
By March 1945 the Allies were near Berlin. On April 30th, 1945 Hitler committed suicide. Germany surrendered within the week.

35 Berlin Falls

36 Mussolini Mussolini was captured and executed in Italy

37 The Fall of the Japanese Empire
August 6th, 1945, The US dropped an atomic bomb on Hirshima. Two days later, they dropped one on Nagasaki. August 14th, 1945, Japan surrendered.

38 The German “Enigma” Machine
Code Breakers Bletchley Park The German “Enigma” Machine

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