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Basis for Classification

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Presentation on theme: "Basis for Classification"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basis for Classification

2 As we gather more evidence, classifications systems will change.
Modern classification uses evolutionary evidence from 3 areas.

3 1. Anatomy Scientists compare body parts that may be homologous parts; some are vestigial structures. Homologous parts- similar because structures share a common ancestry ex- forelimb of vertebrates Vestigial structures- structure no longer functioning, left over from ancestor. Ex- tailbone, appendix


5 Analogous parts- parts that do not share a common ancestor, but similar because are used for similar function. Ex- wings of bird and wings of butterfly.

6 Use fossil evidence to relate current organisms to extinct organisms.

7 2. Embryology Scientists compare developing embryos.

8 3. Biochemistry Scientists compare genetic codes ex-amino acid or DNA sequences Also body chemistry ex- hormones, blood The more nucleotide sequences organisms have in common the more related they are.

9 Species Amino acid differences with human hemoglobin Gorilla 1 Rhesus monkey 8 Mouse 27 Chicken 45 Frog 67 Lamprey 125


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