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臨床情境個案教學 膀胱輸尿管逆流 郭士銘 醫師 三軍總醫院 外科部 小兒外科.

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Presentation on theme: "臨床情境個案教學 膀胱輸尿管逆流 郭士銘 醫師 三軍總醫院 外科部 小兒外科."— Presentation transcript:

1 臨床情境個案教學 膀胱輸尿管逆流 郭士銘 醫師 三軍總醫院 外科部 小兒外科

2 Case Summary A 1 year-old boy with high fever 39.5℃ and irritable crying on urination for one day. Full term with NSD, no any systemic disease or major operation history. No URI or AGE symptoms. 2018/6/16

3 單兵該如何處理? 2018/6/16

4 Physical examination: Right-sided flank knocking pain (+)
Blood routine: WBC: N/L:87/10 Urine routine: WBC:50-60/HPF, Nitrite:(+) 2018/6/16

5 Possible Problems A. Acute UTI. B. Acute pyelonephritis. 2018/6/16

6 Next… Admission for empire IV antibiotic treament.
Check urine culture. Discharge after well-controlled condition and OPD follow up 2018/6/16

7 At OPD… A. Check urine routine. B. Prophylactic oral antibiotics.
C. Image study. 2018/6/16

8 VCUG 2018/6/16

9 Treatment Gr.I~II : antibiotic prophylaxis
Gr.III~IV : surgery if recurrent UTI or renal function decrease > 10% or proceeding renal scarring Gr.V : surgery

10 2018/6/16

11 Surgery Extravesical: Lich-Gregoir (1964) and Hodgson’s modification (detrusorrhaphy) Intravesical: Politano-Leadbetter (1958), Paquin (1959), Hutch (1963), Glenn-Anderson (1967), Cohen (1975)

12 STING procedure 1984 O’Donnell & Puri - endoscopic injection of Teflon submucosally below and behind the ureteral orifice. Teflon → Collagen → Deflux ™ (Dextranomer/Hyaluronic acid copolymer )

13 2018/6/16


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18 謝謝 2018/6/16

19 2018/6/16

20 Introduction 17%~40% UTI with vesicoureteral reflux.
Resultant pyelonephritis. Renal scarring, proteinuria, secondary renal hypertension, end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

21 Incidence 1%~3% in children. 8%~45% familial heritage.
Girl > boy, but boy > girl in Taiwan

22 Clinical manifestrations
Fever, fatique, anorexia, vomiting; dysuria, frequency, urgency, hematuria, flank pain. Renal hypertension, chronic renal failure

23 Diagnosis Abdominal Sonography Intravenous urography (IVU+PV)
Void-cystoureterogram (VCUG) DMSA renal scan

24 Pathophysiology Anti-reflux mechanism:
Angulation of ureter at vesical hiatus Submucosal tunnel length : ureteral diameter = 4~5 : 1 Sufficient detrusor muscle support



27 Indications Grade II~IV of reflux Bladder neck incontinence
Alternative of antibiotic prophylaxis

28 Protocol 1st Sting → Renal Sonogram (6 wks) → VCUG (12 wks) → 2nd Sting Usually limit to 2 injections, but have occasionally done 3 Sucess rate > 70%

29 Advantage Minimal invasive No hospitalization Minimal side effects

30 Parental preference Endoscopic treatment: 80%
Antibiotics prophylaxis: 5% Open surgery: 2% Could not decide: 13% - Capozza N, et al. BJU International 92:285-8, 2003

31 謝謝 2018/6/16

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