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Cells and Their Organelles

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Presentation on theme: "Cells and Their Organelles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells and Their Organelles

2 Different cell types – not organelles

3 Gives a plant cell shape and support
Cell Wall Plant cells only Gives a plant cell shape and support

4 Cell Membrane Both plant and animal cells
Controls what enters and leaves the cell

5 Nucleus Both plant and animal cells Directs the cell’s activities

6 Cytoplasm Both plant and animal cells
Gives cell 3D shape and holds organelles

7 Mitochondria Both plant and animal cells Breaks down food to release energy

8 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Both plant and animal cells Packages and distributes proteins and fats around the cell

9 Ribosomes Both plant and animal cells Produce proteins

10 Golgi Bodies Both plant and animal cells
Packages proteins and sends them in and out of the cell

11 Convert sunlight, H2O, and CO2 into food
Chloroplasts Plant cells only Convert sunlight, H2O, and CO2 into food

12 Vacuoles Both plant and animal cells (larger in plant cells)
Store food, water, and wastes

13 Lysosomes Animal and plant cells
Breaks down and recycles worn-out cell parts

14 Biology Cell Structure

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