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American Indians of the Plateau

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1 American Indians of the Plateau
By: Ainsley ,Allie ,and James

2 Climate The summers were hot and sunny, the winters were very cold and snowy. There was rarely any rainfall ,and when there was it was very light. Plants and animals had to learn how to survive with the harsh weather of the Plateau.

3 Shelter In the cold winters of the plateau the tribes would dig a three foot ditch to keep them warm in this was built out of sticks and animal skins. They had three different shelters depending on the season either a pit house, a tipi, or a tule mat lodge.

4 Were they lived The American Indians lived by the in central Washington along the Columbia river the tribes of the plateau were the Nez Perces and the Yakama, the Spokanes

5 Food They harvested food such as camas and other roots. They relied on the natural rescores to get there food to eat such as… Coyote fox raccoon porcupine marten weasel beaver marmot hare

6 Clothing Most of the clothing the tribes wore was made of animal skins and or beads. They wore moccasins for shoes they were sometimes beaded. Some women wore deer skin dresses They also made leather mittens They made fur/animal skins ponchos, etcetera.

7 Nature The nature around the tribes of the plateau was interesting like gorges and large rivers with lots of salmon. The plateau got water got water from the from the large Columbia Fraser river. Gorges a narrow, deep valley with steep sides.

8 Resources Clip art Social Studies Alive The Plateau People
Google search/Google images

9 Thank You Thanks you for watching our presentation

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