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American Government Chapter 1

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1 American Government Chapter 1
Principles of Government

2 Chapter 1 Section 1 Government and the State Objective I
Define government and the basic powers every government holds.

3 I. Define government and the basic powers every government holds.
Public Policies

4 Government The institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies made up of those people who have authority and control over other people public policies - all those things government decides to do one of the oldest of human inventions

5 I. Define government and the basic powers every government holds.
Legislative Power Executive Power Judicial Power

6 I. Define government and the basic powers every government holds.
Constitutionalism Dictatorship Democracy

7 Chapter 1 Section 1 Government and the State Objective II
Describe the four defining characteristics of the state.

8 II. Describe the four defining characteristics of the state.
1) Population 2) Territory 3) Sovereignty 4) Government

9 The State

10 Chapter 1 Section 1 Government and the State Objective III
Identify four theories that attempt to explain the origin of the state.

11 III. Identify four theories that attempt to explain the origin of the state.
1) Force Theory 2) Evolutionary Theory 3) Divine Right Theory 4) Social Contract Theory

12 Social Contract Theory

13 Chapter 1 Section 1 Government and the State Objective IV
Understand the purpose of government in the United States and other countries.

14 IV. Understand the purpose of government in the United States and other countries.
1) Form a more perfect union. 2) Establish justice. 3) Insure domestic tranquility.

15 IV. Understand the purpose of government in the United States and other countries.
4) Provide for the common defense. 5) Promote the general welfare. 6) Secure the blessings of liberty.


17 Chapter 1 Section 2 Forms of Government Objective I
Classify government according to three sets of characteristics.

18 I. Classify government according to three sets of characteristics.
Government classifications: 1) Who can participate 2) Geographic distribution 3) Legislative/Executive relationship

19 Chapter 1 Section 2 Forms of Government Objective II
Define systems of government based on who can participate.

20 II. Define systems of government based on who can participate.
Democracy Indirect Representative John Robinson Shadrack McGill

21 II. Define systems of government based on who can participate.
Dictatorship Autocracy Oligarchy

22 Chapter 1 Section 2 Forms of Government Objective III
Identify different ways that power can be distributed, geographically, within a state.

23 Confederate Government
III. Identify different ways that power can be distributed, geographically, within a state. Unitary Government Federal Government Division of Powers Confederate Government

24 Chapter 1 Section 2 Forms of Government Objective IV
Describe a government by how power is distributed between the executive branch and legislative branch.

25 Presidential Government
IV. Describe a government by how power is distributed between the executive branch and legislative branch. Presidential Government Executive and Legislative Branches The Chief Executive a) b) c)


27 IV. Describe a government by how power is distributed between the executive branch and legislative branch. Parliamentary Government


29 Chapter 1 Section 3 Basic Concepts of Democracy Objective I
Understand the foundations of democracy.

30 I. Understand the foundations of democracy.
Worth of the Individual Equality of all Persons 1) Opportunity 2) Before the law Majority Rule, Minority Rights 1) 2)

31 I. Understand the foundations of democracy.
Necessity of Compromise 1) 2) Individual Freedom

32 Chapter 1 Section 3 Basic Concepts of Democracy Objective II
Analyze the connections between democracy and the free enterprise system.

33 II. Analyze the connections between democracy and the free enterprise system.
1) Private Ownership 2) Individual Initiative 3) Profit 4) Competition

34 II. Analyze the connections between democracy and the free enterprise system.
How the System Works 1) Law of Supply and Demand 2) Free Enterprise – Economic 3) Democracy – Political

35 II. Analyze the connections between democracy and the free enterprise system.
Government and the Free Enterprise System Mixed Economy Purpose of gov’t participation a) regulation b) promotion

36 Chapter 1 Section 3 Basic Concepts of Democracy Objective III
Identify the role of the Internet in a democracy.

37 III. Identify the role of the Internet in a democracy.
Democracy and the Internet 1) Informed citizens 2) Reliability NOT guaranteed


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