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Academic Success & Lifelong Learning Skills

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Success & Lifelong Learning Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Success & Lifelong Learning Skills
Chapter 7, Thriving in College & Beyond Academic Success & Lifelong Learning Skills

2 Research & Communication Skills
Information literacy: ability to search for, locate, and evaluate information for relevance and accuracy. Empowers students to become self-reliant, lifelong learners. Essential skill

3 6 Steps Define your research topic Identify resources
Neither too narrow, nor too broad Identify resources Print Online Box 7.1 (pages )

4 Evaluate the credibility and quality of sources.
Documentation Credibility Scholarly Currency Objectivity

5 Sufficient quantity and variety of sources
Use sources as stepping stones

6 Cite sources with integrity
Cite anything that comes from a source Exception: common knowledge Citations are found in the body and the reference section. MLA or APA style

7 Plagiarism Intentional or unintentional use of someone else's work without a citation (acknowledgement).

8 Common forms: Paying someone or a service for a paper. Submitting an entire paper or a portion of a paper that was written by someone else. Copying sections of someone else’s work.

9 Paraphrasing or rewording someone else’s paper without a citation.
Cutting paragraphs from sources and pasting them into the body of your paper. Paraphrasing or rewording someone else’s paper without a citation. Placing someone else’s exact words in the body of your paper and not placing quotation marks around them. Failing to cite the source of factual information in your paper that’s not common knowledge. GRAMMAR BYTES VIDEO:

10 Writing Skills & Strategies
The Power of Writing Communicate your knowledge & the quality of your thinking Ability to write clearly, concisely, and persuasively will promote professional success beyond college. Writing to Learn: writing is not just a communication skill; it is also a learning strategy that can deepen understanding. 9 Strategies

11 9 Strategies Writing to Listen Improve attention & listening skills
Writing to Read Promote active listening & active reading Writing to Remember Lists & memos Writing to Organize Summaries & outlines

12 Writing to Study Writing to Understand Writing to Create
Write study guides and practice answers Writing to Understand Paraphrasing Writing to Create Freewriting

13 Writing to Discuss Writing for Problem Solving

14 Writing Papers & Reports
College papers Time Multistage process Goal/Purpose Generate ideas Focused freewriting

15 Multistage process (cont.) Categorize Ideas Logical sequence
Introduction thesis Body Topic sentence Conclusion More than one draft

16 Multistage process (cont.)
Critically review your work (re-vision: view again) Seek feedback

17 Multistage process (cont.)
Conclusion & Introduction in final draft Proofread Review graded paper.

18 Public Speaking

19 Public Speaking Strategies Know the purpose Pick a topic
Informative Persuasive Pick a topic Create an outline

20 Rehearse & Revise Receive feedback BEFORE your presentation Observe presentations by others Maximize eye contact

21 Tips for Using Powerpoint (Box 7.3)
Bullet points 3- 5 points/slide Titles = heading/categories Font size Use color Visual images Cite source Proofread

22 Managing Speech Anxiety
Classroom communication apprehension Stage fright/speech anxiety

23 Strategies for controlling speech anxiety
Focus on relaxation Avoid caffeine Positive mindset Focus on the message

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