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BBI 2421 General Writing Skills

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1 BBI 2421 General Writing Skills
1st F2F Introduction to the Course Pn. Haswini Narayanasamy Bilik Teratai Muara, Pusat Pemajuan Kompetensi Bahasa (CALC)

2 Course Synopsis This course covers: sentence patterns and types,
paragraph development, transition between ideas, using correct grammar and structure, identifying and correcting common errors, drafting, editing and revising various types of short texts. Students will be actively involved in the process of planning, writing and revising texts to meet their academic and professional needs.

3 Learning Outcomes Students are able to:
construct correct sentences in their writing (P4) organise ideas to develop coherent paragraphs (A4) write various types of short texts (C5, LL) review their own written texts with peers (CTPS)

4 Evaluation Coursework 70% Mid-Semester Exam (25%)
Writing Assignment (35%) Self-Directed Learning Portfolio (10%) Final Exam 30%

5 Writing Assignment (35%)
Part 1-Paragraph Writing Portfolio (15%) Students are required to create a portfolio outline and a complete an opinion paragraph of words based on a given topic. Part 2-Essay Writing Portfolio (20%) - Will be announced during the 2nd Face-to-Face

6 SDL Portfolio Self-Directed Learning Portfolio (10%) - Students are required to do all 6 exercise and upload it onto EDMODO. EDMODO To access: Group Key Code: nxisgd

7 Text Book Title : Introduction to Academic Writing (3rd Edition)
Writers : Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. Publisher : Pearson Education Inc. Price : RM42.00

8 Important Dates! Week 6 Submission of Writing Assignment – UPMET Week 7 Mid-Semester Exam Week 12 Week SDL Portfolio Activities – EDMODO (*Please ensure that all assignments are submitted on time as stipulated!!)

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