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Civil War in Gettysburg

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1 Civil War in Gettysburg
By: Sam & Eleeza

2 Introduction The feeling standing in the Civil War battle of Gettysburg with the sharp smoke or the rifles firing waiting for a command to charge was indescribable. The thoughts in our heads made us think if we were going to be alive after the rifles were shot. In the middle of the war one of the soldiers got seriously injured and the knife had gone through his ankle. We as medics rushed to the solider and quickly laid him on a back stretcher and took him into the hospital tent.

3 Rising Action BOOM, BOOM! Bombs were going off every eight to ten minutes, followed by soldiers dieing. Gun shots were shot and from all the smoke the soldiers had a hard time breathing let alone staying alive. Women and children had to stay in shelters, while there husbands sacrifice there life for there country.

4 Climax As we are taking care of our injured soldiers we do not hear any bombs, gun shots, or anything. All we heard is the United States celebrating because Europe surrendered because too many soldiers were dying and they didn’t want anymore to die.

5 Falling Action When we finished healing our soldiers that were hurt we went out into the battle field and the war had ended. The only things that remained were the left over dead bodies, the smoke from the bombs, and the burnt grass.

6 Conclusion After all that happened we were ecstatic that we were beside our soldiers and helping our countries fight in the Civil War. Even though there were a lot of soldiers hurt at the end we still one and got our country’s freedom back.

7 GRADE Introduction answers question directly, does not use introduction style -5 Good use of descriptive words The civil war was the United States against the seceding states of the Confederacy. Europe was not involved, freedom was not truly at stake, and no one surrendered at Gettysburg (it was not the final battle) -10 Grade: 35/50

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