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National level use of Network data – HBSC and integration with SHRN

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1 National level use of Network data – HBSC and integration with SHRN
National level use of Network data – HBSC and integration with SHRN Chris Roberts, Social Research and Information Division (Health and Social Services Analytical Team), Welsh Government .

2 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey
Design Tips Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey Study established in 1983/84. School-based survey of year-olds. Wales became a member in 1985/86, with data collected every four years since then. Grown from 5 to 42 countries/regions across Europe and North America between 1983/84 and 2013/14. Aims and objectives: Improve understanding of young people’s health and well-being, including social determinants Inform policy and practice to improve young people’s lives Disseminate findings to a range of users Initiate and sustain national and international research on health and well-being and social contexts Provides national level data allowing analysis of differences by age and gender, as well as trends through time and internationally comparative findings. Details at Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Dadansoddi Knowledge and Analytical Services

3 The growth of the HBSC study 1983/84 onwards
Design Tips The growth of the HBSC study 1983/84 onwards Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Dadansoddi Knowledge and Analytical Services

4 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey
Design Tips Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey Study established in 1983/84. School-based survey of year-olds. Wales became a member in 1985/86, with data collected every four years since then. Grown from 5 to 42 countries/regions across Europe and North America between 1983/84 and 2013/14. Aims and objectives: Improve understanding of young people’s health and well-being, including social determinants Inform policy and practice to improve young people’s lives Disseminate findings to a range of users Initiate and sustain national and international research on health and well-being and social contexts Provides national level data allowing analysis of differences by age and gender, as well as trends through time and internationally comparative findings. Details at Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Dadansoddi Knowledge and Analytical Services

5 Differences by age, gender and SES in Wales e.g. breakfast consumption
Design Tips Differences by age, gender and SES in Wales e.g. breakfast consumption Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Dadansoddi Knowledge and Analytical Services

6 Design Tips Trends through time in Wales e.g. smoking weekly (11 to 15 year-old girls) Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Dadansoddi Knowledge and Analytical Services

7 International comparisons e.g. life satisfaction - prevalence
Design Tips International comparisons e.g. life satisfaction - prevalence Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Dadansoddi Knowledge and Analytical Services

8 International comparisons e.g. life satisfaction – SES differences
Design Tips International comparisons e.g. life satisfaction – SES differences Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Dadansoddi Knowledge and Analytical Services

9 HBSC data are used in numerous ways
Design Tips HBSC data are used in numerous ways Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Dadansoddi Knowledge and Analytical Services

10 Building on links between HBSC and SHRN – potential benefits include:
Design Tips Building on links between HBSC and SHRN – potential benefits include: Initial SHRN recruitment and school feedback reports via 2013/14 HBSC – mutual benefits. Efficient recruitment – established relationships with schools. Likelihood of higher response rates and improvements in data quality. Move to online data collection provides larger samples with potential to study minority groups (e.g. ethnicity, disability). More frequent data collection (every two years) improves ability to monitor. Complementary HBSC and SHRN questionnaire versions will allow monitoring core indicators and detailed policy relevant scientific research. Development of a platform for efficient data collection in areas where there are gaps in our knowledge (e.g. young people’s views on public services). Integration and coordination of research can potentially reduce burden on school staff and pupils. From a national research policy perspective, adding value to existing Welsh Government investment in research infrastructure (NCPHWR). Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Dadansoddi Knowledge and Analytical Services

11 Design Tips Electronic cigarette use – national surveillance using HBSC and SHRN data Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Dadansoddi Knowledge and Analytical Services

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