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Don’t be Quick to Quit Heb. 11:8-19

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1 Don’t be Quick to Quit Heb. 11:8-19


3 The Big Idea: Impossible Obstacles…. are Opportunities…. to Grow Endurance…. When you abandon yourself… to God’s Glory Let’s Examine and crash through the Quitting Points that Abraham endured in Hebrews 11

4 Background of Hebrews Theme of Hebrews: Don’t quit and return to the old covenant when there is something better ahead A better revelation in Jesus Heb. 1:2 A better messenger than angels Heb. 1:4 A better apostle than Moses Heb. 3:5-6 A better rest than Canaan Heb. 4:6 A better High Priest than Aaron Heb. 5:10 A better Covenant than Law Heb. 8:7-8 A better sacrifice than animals Heb. 9 A better country than Jerusalem Heb. 11

5 Background of Hebrews Theme of chapter 11- Faith doesn’t quit
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. ” Faith expects the future world as though it were already present. Faith acts on the invisible world as though it were visible. In Verses 8-19, Abraham’s faith crashed through 4 quitting points…

6 Faith Conquers The Quitting Points Heb. 11:8-19
I. Separating from the Comfortable Heb. 11:8 II. Sojourning with no clear Destination 11:8-9 III. Seed-planting with no Fruit 11:11 IV. Sacrificing with a Fear of Loss 11:19

7 Conclusion Christ took our weariness to the cross so that we wouldn’t give up. Don’t take it back. Give it to Him and say, “I can do (withstand) all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philip. 4:13

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