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Information Organization

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1 Information Organization
LBSC 670 Information Organization

2 Today Dr. Jeffery Loo An exploration of a metadata indexing and discovery system (SOLR) Protégé work time

3 SOLR A faceted indexing service that accepts any text document, uses REST web-services and transforms XML output using XSL to create a user interface Earlier this semester we mentioned Vannevar bush – this is a picture of the memex The machine focused on storage, retrieval, preservation, annotation. Consider the fact that these are the services we look towards in digital objects We often do this with something known as web services This is a precursor to Tim berners lee and the semantic web Tonight we are going to data publishing on the web. We will start with a short video of Tim Berners-lee – the guy who created the web

4 SOLR browsing Now that we have an idea of what these services are. . .lets listen to the guy who made it all Tell story of berners lee

5 SOLR application My take away -
In fact – many of the current crop of sites publish apis These services are how and why you have a twitter app on your smartphone These services are the heart of many social media sites. (they eat their own dog food) Lets explore what this means and how information organization and web services ineter

6 SOLR REST request A GET example: Review:
/solr/browse The program ?&q = Search terms &fq=cat:%22electronics%22 The category Review: ? The start of the Querystring & The Key=Value separator = Assignment operator Lets break down the flickr API call. It uses something called REST (don’t worry – we will get there) It uses a combination of key-value pairs in a GET request (don’t worry) The combination of values sure looks like metadata! The specific API we want to use ( My public API key The search string

7 The big ideas SOLR makes working with large, complex metadata structures simple SOLR is fast enough to be used by major corporations and works with millions of records quickly SOLR is not a database – it is a retrieval index SOLR is open source (or free software) Ok – so what? Why is data so important?

8 SOLR exercise Connect to a server Install SOLR Play with SOLR

9 Users solr8984 libraryland solr8985 libraryland solr8986 libraryland
Solr9017 libraryland

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