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Ready Player One Chapter 0008

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1 Ready Player One Chapter 0008
Mrs Bly Welcome to the 1980s! Have your heard of The Weeknd?

2 Journal #4 OPEN your book to page 62-- These pages need to be studied carefully by ALL gunters because they list so many of Halliday’s interests! For your journal today, make a list of all of YOUR interests: What is your favorite book? What would you consider your “Holy Trilogies” of movies? What is your “desert island” videogame of choice? What’s your binge-favorite on Netflix? …basically list your favorite things!

3 Review HW SQs –esp Ch. 7 1. What is the Latin verb “to learn”? “to learn: DISCERN” 2. What is the definition of Ludus ? “Ludus” in latiin= school (AND “sport” or “game”) 3. How long would it take Wade to reach the Tomb of Horrors on foot? “My avatar could run at a maximum speed of 5 kilometers an hour, so it would take me over 3 days to get there on foot” (72). 4. How did he manage to get there? Used teleportation by traveling to OPS #0571 for a football game ! 5. What is a lich? “a lich was an undead creature, usually an incredibly powerful wizard or king who had employed dark magic to bind his intellect to his own reanimated corpse, thus achieving a perverted form of immortality” (74).

4 Feat Wade3 Must Accomplish
Google: tomb of horrors ready player one Wade3 vs. demi-lich Acererak Acererak: “Greeting, Parzival. What is it that you seek?” (79) Wade3: “I seek the Copper Key, Your Majesty.” (79) A Jousting Match!

5 Joust- the game “Joust was a classic ‘80s arcade game with a strange premise. Each player controls a knight armed with lance. Player One is mounted on an ostrich, while Player Two is mounted on a stork” (81).

6 Human vs. A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
Gifted human player= has ability to improvise A.I.= software can’t improvise; “can only react randomly or in a limited number of predetermined ways, based on a finite number of preprogrammed conditions” (83). Lon Howard

7 Victory!!! And then…… Star Wars theme song! Wade3 gets the copper key!
+50,000 XP points! Moved up to level 10! Wade3 sees the key is engraved…..

8 The Copper Key is ENGRAVED
“What you seek lies hidden in the trash on the deepest level Daggorath” (84) “On the deepest level of Daggorath” (85). “dagorath”- from Elvish language in The Lord of the Rings

9 Trash “Hidden in the trash” was a reference to the ancient TRS-80 line of computers made Tandy and Radio Shack in the ‘70s and ‘80s” (84). The Riddle: “What you seek lies hidden in the trash on the deepest level Daggorath” (84) “On the deepest level of Daggorath” (85).

10 Ch SQs 1. What feat must Wade accomplish in order to earn the Copper Key? 2. Describe Wade’s experience with Joust. 3. In early video games, why could a human player always triumph over a games AI? 4. What happened in the chamber after Wade’s victory? 5. Write the lines engraved in the copper key here: 6. What is trash a reference to?

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