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Charles Darwin (1809-1882).

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1 Charles Darwin ( )

2 Finding his Vocational Calling
Attended Edinburgh University to study medicine and become a physician Found he disliked medicine and the mere sight of blood Father suggested he pursue work in the Church Wanted to become ordained in Church of England – needed B.A. degree from an English University Went to Christ’s College – University of Cambridge Discovered love for naturalism

3 Contributions – Theory of evolution by natural selection
Most famous contribution Unifying theory of life sciences First attempt at explaining where diversity in living things came from and how they became adapted to their environments Developed during 5 year expedition on the Beagle (survey ship) Visited South America, the Galapagos islands, Pacific oceanic islands On The Origin of Species (1859) – abstract


5 Contributions (Cont’d)
One of the most original and influential workers in the history of science Produced writings in the fields of geology, zoology, taxonomy, botany, paleontology, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, literature, and theology Published 8 years worth of studies on barnacles After his death – 1909 over 400 scientists from 167 different countries gathered to celebrate his works and 50th anniversary of On The Origin of Species

6 Opposition Alfred Wallace – competed to publish similar ideas
Many rejected his finding on natural selection Generation of biologists disagreed with natural selection Wasn’t the first to propose species changed Happened to be more accurate in his explanations Title of On The Origin of Species misunderstood by many

7 Works Cited John van Wyhe, ed  The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online

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