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This or That.

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Presentation on theme: "This or That."— Presentation transcript:

1 This or That

2 Directions

3 Read the question or statement,
Would you rather eat… Candy Fries Read the question or statement, then stand on the side of the room that most closely matches your opinion.

4 The BIG dots are for strong feelings
The BIG dots are for strong feelings. The LITTLE dots are for milder feelings. Candy Fries People who REALLY prefer candy stand on this side of the room. People who REALLY prefer fries stand on this side.

5 THERE IS NO MIDDLE DOT. Candy Fries You must pick a side, even if your opinion is only leaning slightly that way.

6 You can use the size and color of the dots to explain where you are.
Once you’ve picked a spot, talk to others about why you chose to stand there. Candy Fries You can use the size and color of the dots to explain where you are.

7 You might say things like, or…
I’m on the big green side because candy just rocks. No way. Big blue. Fries are vegetables, man. Candy Fries

8 If you don’t feel strongly, you might say…
I like them both, but I guess I’m more of a small green. If I was forced to pick one, I would pick candy.

9 Ready to Play? Click to Continue

10 Which animal makes a better pet?
1 Which animal makes a better pet? Dog Cat Click to Continue

11 Would you rather live in…
2 Would you rather live in… The City The Country Click to Continue

12 3 Which is worse? Bad Breath Body Odor Click to Continue

13 4 Would you rather be… Inside Outside Click to Continue

14 5 Are you more of a… Morning Person Night Person Click to Continue

15 Would you rather live in…
6 Would you rather live in… A Rainforest A Desert Click to Continue

16 Which is more important?
7 Which is more important? Being Kind Being Smart Click to Continue

17 Would you rather go to… 8 An All-Girls or All-Boys School
A School with Both Genders Click to Continue

18 Should smoking be illegal?
9 Should smoking be illegal? Yes No Click to Continue

19 Would you rather… 10 Cook a 3-Course Meal Shop for 3 Hours
Click to Continue

20 Should students be allowed to use cell phones in class?
11 Should students be allowed to use cell phones in class? Yes No Click to Continue

21 Would you rather be… 12 A Firefighter A Police Officer
Click to Continue

22 How important is it to be on time?
13 How important is it to be on time? Very Important Not that Important Click to Continue

23 14 Would you rather… Read a Book Watch a Movie Click to Continue

24 Should all students be required to learn another language?
15 Should all students be required to learn another language? Yes No Click to Continue

25 16 Would you rather… Have 10 Kids Have No Kids Click to Continue

26 17 Which is better? Playing Sports Watching Sports Click to Continue

27 Would you rather… 18 Travel Every Single Day Never Leave Home
Click to Continue

28 19 Which is better? Football (American) Soccer Click to Continue

29 20 Would you rather… Get Married 5 times Never Get Married

30 That’s all, folks!

31 an Icebreaker Activity for Grades 6-12
This or That an Icebreaker Activity for Grades 6-12 By Jennifer Gonzalez © 2015 Cult of Pedagogy This slideshow is copyrighted material. Reproducing or sharing it with other users or using the slide design to create a new product is considered a violation of copyright. If you would like to share this with other teachers, please purchase additional user licenses (half the price of this item) from the same page where you originally purchased the item. Thank you for respecting the time and effort it took to create this product! Questions? me:

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