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Key Stage 1 SATS at Rowledge

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1 Key Stage 1 SATS at Rowledge
23rd January 2017

2 Standardised Assessment Test
• Year 2 children complete these tests in the month of May • Attainment of all children in this age group can be monitored to inform the next steps in their learning

3 • We will feed this back to you as:
• These tests are one part that helps the teacher make their final assessment at the end of the year. • We will feed this back to you as: Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard Working above the expected standard

4 What is meant by ‘scaled scores’?
It is planned that 100 will always represent the ‘national standard’. Each pupil’s raw test score will therefore be converted into a score on the scale, either at, above or below 100. The scale will have a lower end point somewhere below 100 and an upper end point above 100. A child who achieves the ‘national standard’ (a score of 100) will be judged to have demonstrated sufficient knowledge in the areas assessed by the tests.

5 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test
There are 2 papers to complete: Paper 1 - Spelling: The children will write in 20 missing words. Each word will be read out to the children. First time on is own, second time in a sentence and then third time on it’s own again. Proper nouns need capital letters otherwise it will be marked wrong regardless of spelling Paper 2 - Grammar and Punctuation: The children will be answering questions regarding Punctuation and Grammar.






11 Reading Test There are 2 papers to complete. Paper 1:
Combined reading prompt and answer booklet • Consists of a combined reading and question booklet. Paper 2: Separate reading booklet and answer booklet • This test consists of a reading booklet and separate question booklet.

12 Types of answer will include:
Retrieving information from the text and writing this in sentences or copy

13 Other types of answer will include:
Retrieving information from the text and Ticking the correct answer

14 Reading paper 2

15 Types of answers: The children are given page numbers to locate the information needed to answer the questions. They will be expected to answer in sentences

16 Maths Test. There are 2 papers to complete. Paper 1: Arithmetic
• This test consists of one paper • No equipment is allowed • If a child requests it, a question may be read to them however we can only read the numbers and not the mathematical symbol. Paper 2: Reasoning • Equipment may consist only of rulers and/or mirrors • If a child requests it, we may read words and numbers the numbers but not the mathematical symbol.

17 Arithmetic Example:



20 How we support your child in school:
• Practice SATs questions– analysis of children’s strengths and weaknesses . • Guided Reading • Rainbow Maths • Practice tests and practice questions • Mathletics • Spelling lessons and tests • Exercise and practical activities, as well as our usual broad and balanced curriculum.

21 Things we are trying to encourage the children to do are:
• Continue good homework routines • Play an active role in lessons • Ask for help if they don’t understand • Be aware of LOs and SC. • Challenge themselves. • Try their best. • Gain a perception of time

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