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UKS2: Read, Record and Present Information From Non-Fiction Texts

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1 UKS2: Read, Record and Present Information From Non-Fiction Texts
Persuasive Text UKS2: Read, Record and Present Information From Non-Fiction Texts

2 LO: To read, record and present information from non-fiction texts.

3 Read the discussion text below. Sharks Need Protecting Too
If you like watching films, you might think that sharks are dangerous and frightening. But I believe that sharks need protecting in a way that you might not have imagined before. Sharks are amazing – they play a vital role in the oceans in a way that most fish do not. Firstly, it is a fact that sharks serve as top predators at the pinnacle (very top) of the marine food pyramid. They help to regulate the natural balance of these ecosystems, at all levels, and so are a very important part of them. As sharks usually hunt old, weak or sick prey, they help to keep the prey population in good condition, healthy and strong, enabling these more naturally fit animals to reproduce and pass on their genes – more food for everyone! How could anyone argue with that? It seems obvious to me that if sharks were to be removed from the oceans, the effect on these delicate ecosystems could be catastrophic.

4 Read the discussion text below. Top reasons to save sharks:
Sharks are being fished at a rate faster than they can recover. Shark meat contains toxic mercury and shouldn’t be eaten - so what’s the point in fishing them? In tourist areas, sharks are worth more alive than dead - diving excursions to see sharks are very popular.

5 Read and record the information from the text.
BEFORE READING What is the text about? At this point, do you agree or disagree with the viewpoint of the text? AFTER READING Write four pieces of key information from the text. Do you agree or disagree with the viewpoint of the text now? Give two reasons for your opinion.

6 Present the information you have recorded.
You could: Research the importance of sharks further and make a leaflet about them. Think of the arguments against the viewpoint in the text. Have a class debate about who needs protecting more – humans or sharks? Use the flashcards to help prompt discussion. Make a poster about the importance of sharks. Orally present the information in this text (or from another text about a subject you are passionate about) to your class. Consider how you can use actions, volume and tone to keep your listener interested. Write a persuasive letter to someone who is afraid of sharks. Use the information in the text – plus extra research if you want to – to justify your arguments.

7 Other Resources Check out these handy resources to help you present the information you recorded from the text: Leaflet Template Conversation Log Persuasive Writing Flashcards Persuasive Writing Word Mat Persuasive Texts Checklists Speaking and Listening Talk Frames Poster Letter Writing Template


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