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Mass Traffic Attack Video 4

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1 Mass Traffic Attack Video 4
Keyword Research

2 So what are keywords? Basically a keyword is simply a word or phrase that people use to search or their information online, for instance a good keyword in the internet marketing niche is “make money online”. Keywords are important because these are the words that people use to find your article or website.

3 Keyword Density is a term that is used to let you know how many times a keyword or phrase is used every 100 words. The ideal keyword density is approximately between 1 and 3%, so in a 400 word article, you would use your main keyword no more than three times. Basic keyword research is simple even for a complete newbie, as Google is the most popular search engine, we’ll start here.

4 3 Things you must bear in mind when doing keyword research.
Number of searches: All this means is the number of times that the keyword is searched for each month. Competing sites: Once you have found your keyword with good monthly search volume, go to Google and enter it into the search box, if there are over 500,000 then obviously you will have far more competition than say a term with 50,000.

5 3. Is money being spent?: Obviously not all keywords are profitable, there are quite a few niches where money is not being spent, so the easiest way to find out is to type in your keyword or phrase, and look for the amount of adverts (Pay Per Click), appear at either the top or right hand side of the screen.

6 So how can we make our article keyword rich?
As mentioned before there is a fine line between enriching and just stuffing them in your article. Make sure that your keywords are inserted so that there is a natural flow to your article, and follow the 1 to 3% rule closely. The normal rule is that you use one short 2 to 3 word keyword phrase, and two long tailed keywords of 4 or more words. Now this is done, we can focus on our article.

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