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Welcome to Rabbit Class

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1 Welcome to Rabbit Class
Mrs Hayden(Mon- Wed) Mrs Bevan (Thurs and Fri) Mrs Wood (Teaching assistant) Mrs Fish (Teaching assistant) Mrs Hunter(Teaching assistant)

2 The Curriculum Planning from the children’s interests.
Planning for individual next steps.


4 Rewards A postive approach Verbal praise and encouragement
Star Awards (work) Star of the Week (Learning behaviours) House points (citizenship) Stickers

5 Sanctions If a child breaks the class rules: Warning/ time out
Yellow card- time in another class Red card- behaviour book and letter home

6 Rules & Expectations Listen to others Be honest Be kind and helpful
To respect others To look after school equipment Try our best to be the best

7 Independence Encourage the children to become more independent, e.g dressing & undressing and going to the toilet. Take responsibility for their own PE kit, water bottle, lunch box, jumper, etc. Encouraged to approach teacher with their own problems or concerns.

8 Phonics Assessed regularly Clear pronunciation of sounds
Phonics and reading workshop: Thursday 5th October 9am – presentation followed by activities in the classroom Phonics homework later on in the year

9 Reading Books Guided reading in a group once a week in school with a teacher or TA . Some books will have no words to encourage story telling, imagination and story structure. Some with be decodable using phonics (cat c/a/t) Some will have the tricky words the children just have to learn (was & said)

10 Learning Logs: Once a ½ term.
Library books: Will be changed on a Wednesday. Can keep for longer than a week. Learning Logs: Once a ½ term.

11 Supporting your child at home
Listen to your child read, and read to them whenever you can Help them in learning their key words and completing phonics homework Talk to your child about their learning in school Support them to recognise numbers and amounts. Use opportunities for maths in real life – baking & shopping! Encourage them to do their best. Encourage independence.

12 Parent Helpers Visiting the woods on a Friday afternoon.
Listening to readers. Trips

13 Bringing things in from home
Please ensure your child does not bring in any toys or books from home unless they are related to what we are learning.

14 Dinners Children have to select their main meal and pudding
If possible, select at home to reduce wasting time at registration, and to ensure your child has a meal they will enjoy

15 PE Days Tuesday PE kit needs to be in school every day and will go home during the holidays to be washed.

16 Contacting Us Message to teaching assistant on the door
Write a letter/ note office Leave a message with Mrs Hodges Speak to us at the end of the day (not on a Wednesday)

17 Year R Expectations At the end of reception year children are expected to reach the Early Learning Goals, ELG. At parents evenings during the year we will be discuss how your child is progressing and how you can help. Tapestry – Monitoring and assessment tool.

18 Any questions?

19 We are looking forward to working with you over the coming year.
Thank you for coming! We are looking forward to working with you over the coming year.

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