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Erasmus + /Strategic Partnership Youth Bridges to Reach Efficient European Citizenship Awareness 2015-1-RO01-KA219-015153.

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Presentation on theme: "Erasmus + /Strategic Partnership Youth Bridges to Reach Efficient European Citizenship Awareness 2015-1-RO01-KA219-015153."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erasmus + /Strategic Partnership Youth Bridges to Reach Efficient European Citizenship Awareness RO01-KA

2 We have conducted a survey on 7 Project partner schools and 200 respondents. Title of our survey is:

3 Intellectual Output 5 Are we aware of what we mean as a person for our country and for Europe?

4 Design of our survey includes the answers ranging from «I strongly agree, I agree, Neutral, I do not agree, I strongly do not agree and I do not know»

5 Here are our findings:

6 1-Are you familiar with the term of «citizen of the European Union»
1-Are you familiar with the term of «citizen of the European Union»? The half of all respondents (52%) say they are familiar with the term and know what it means.

7 2- Are you aware of your EU citizen rights
2- Are you aware of your EU citizen rights? Across the survey we have conducted, just over eighty four in two hundred respondents (42%) say they feel informed about their rights as citizens of the European Union. This shows a moderate percentage of the respondents.

8 3-Are you familiar with your right to free movement and your right to petition key EU institutions? 84% are aware that an EU citizen has the right to reside in any Member State of the European Union (subject to certain conditions) and 83% are aware that a citizen of the Union has the right to make a complaint to the European Commission, European Parliament or European Ombudsman.

9 4-Are you aware of your right to ask for help at embassies in other EU Member States? Around 150 out of 200 respondents are aware of their right to ask for help when they are in other countries except for EU countries.

10 5-Are you aware of your electoral rights as EU citizens
5-Are you aware of your electoral rights as EU citizens? The majority of Europeans correctly identify the rights of an EU citizen in relation to voting or standing as a candidate in European Parliament elections, municipal elections. The majority of Europeans also correctly identify that their electoral rights do not cover the right to vote or stand as a candidate in elections to the national Parliament.

11 6-Do you know that you can be both the citizen of EU and of your country at the same time? More than three quarters of respondents know that they are citizens of the EU and their own country at the same time.

12 7-When residing in another Member State, do you think you are treated in the same way as a national of that State? Just over 84% of the respondent state that they think they are equally treated in the same way as in their country.

13 8-Do you think that there is a principle of educational equal opportunity among EU countries? Over 50% percent of the respondents strongly agree and 30 % of the respondents strongly do not agree with this question.

14 9-Do you know what you can do when your rights as EU citizen are not respected? One quarter of the respondents (26%) they feel informed about what they are supposed to do when their rights are not respected.

15 10- Do you think that refugees should be naturalized in your country
10- Do you think that refugees should be naturalized in your country? 95 % of the respondents strongly disagree with the question.


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