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LBL Status August 5, 2008.

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1 LBL Status August 5, 2008

2 Shear Stress Studies Issues are stress in foam and adhesives. Crack/fail(thermal impact)? Bill Miller working on FEA for different assumptions. I’m trying to understand. Max. stress at ends, same for short(2x4cm) and full length(2x60cm) confirmed by FEA => test on short items

3 Shear Stress Samples Made 5mmx5mmx6cm foam/Al tube samples to thermal cycle and look for foam cracks visually at the moment. This is for both POCO and a candidate pixel foam. Curing. Results next week.

4 Prototype Materials Honeycomb ordered Facings Koppers foam
About 400 cu. Inches of M46J/EX1515 at 3.5 lbs/cu ft nominal(Ultracor UCF-119-3/16-3.5). +/-45 deg, said to be from 30 g/sq m unitape Slab ½ to +/-0.002”(best they can do) to 5mm nominal thickness. We will go there and check first parts for thickness. Reserve remainder(extra setup charge for later cutting) They say 3mm is minimum slab thickness they can do, am a bit nervous about uniformity at 3mm Delivery is 8 weeks ARO ie. end September(for slabs) Facings Autoclave maintenance has delayed start on panels for petals But expect to begin this week. One panel first(and some for other projects) to see how it looks. Will be 0/90/0, 0 in the radial direction for petals. Koppers foam Noted concern about large pore size and variable pore size. Doing cutting/machining tests to compare experience with POCO(for which the experience is good) Need to validate Koppers foam as candidate. Is there thermal experience at BNL to show that Koppers = POCO? Can’t trust vendor…..

5 Prototype Content Need to define each component of prototypes – see example table below(also on agenda page). Urgent to converge, weeks to months lead time for tubes(?), adhesives. What facings for stave prototypes at BNL? Fiber? How many g/ sq m? Status of long tube order? Need OD to machine foam. How to converge and fill in all of this table(or equivalent)?

6 Tiny “Prototypes” For consideration….stress, POCO/Koppers comparison, adhesive studies… We could make tiny “prototypes”(2.5x6cm) as we have for pixels to directly compare thermal performance of POCO/Koppers and simultaneously look at thermal performance before and after thermal cycle(to see effect of stress) Could also use these as adhesive test vehicles, in communication with AiT about best adhesives to use and their properties.

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