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6 Internet Safety Tips By: Aaron

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1 6 Internet Safety Tips By: Aaron
Welcome to my guide on internet safety

2 Number 1 Do not download any suspicious things on the internet
You should also not be downloading anything suspicious because it could be a program that someone made to take someone's password and ID. The person who made the program (if they are skilled enough) could also steal personal things like house address, Date of birth, country you live in, and even some private things like your debit/credit card number. You should not be downloading anything suspicious on the internet, for example if you are scrolling through a website and you see an advertisement that says something like “Earn 1,000,000 from home by doing this simple thing”, or “Increase your internet speed by downloading this thing”. You should not be clicking it or downloading it because most of the time its usually a virus.

3 Number 2 Do not talk to people you don’t know
A couples ways to avoid these people is to ignore them if they start chatting to you, if you initiated the chat then you should either stop talking to them or block them. However if you are in a game and they start talking to whether it be voice chat or just regular chat in most multiplayer games you could always mute the person by pressing the volume button. You should not be talking to people you should not know only talk to people that you know like friends, or family. Most of the time when you talk to someone that you don’t know that person is probably someone way older and is well a predator. If that person says that they are your age you should not trust them.

4 Number 3 Flaming If you don’t know what flaming is its basically being mean and is usually in video games and maybe even Youtube. In video games it usually happens in most competitive games like Minecraft, League of legends, and most shooter games. This usually happens to make some person mad so they will perform worse. The reason why they perform worse is because they are put under stress and when you are stressed you tend to perform worse.

5 Number 4 Do not post or give anything private
You should not be doing this in general, you don’t really need to know about this one but I will explain anyways. Social media and chatting sites/apps where you can post or give pictures to someone like facebook, instagram, twitter, skype, etc can hold some pictures that are well private to some, if you see your friend or someone you know posting “stuff” should not be showing anyone else especially if they sent it to you privately. I will not be putting a picture here because well it’s a bit easy to imagine the picture.

6 Number 5 Do not go anywhere near the dark or deep web
Now some of you might not know what is the deep/dark web is, the dark/deep web is your regular internet but you have access to more private things like Unlisted/private videos on Youtube, government websites, websites that sell drugs, websites that sell weapons, disturbing private videos that people have posted on private sites, and etc. If you really want to know how to reach the deep/dark web you need to use the program TOR (The Onion Router), but I don’t recommend doing this because you can get easily hacked and people can find where you live and can look at your private information. The people who find your house can be a variety of people like predators, kidnappers, and even murderers. So if you don’t want to be well murdered, kidnapped, or want any information stolen you should not be going there.

7 Number 6 Keep passwords and usernames to yourself
You should already be doing this by now and if you aren’t just why. If you are sharing passwords and usernames you are probably sharing with a friend or family member and its probably for games or well Netflix. So that doesn’t mean you can give it to your online friend who you just met in a random game or randomly found in a chatroom, you should only give it to a friend/family member that you know personally and have met them in real life. You should also not be making your password easy things like your username, password, , abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, or etc. 5-10 notes.

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