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Louisiana’s Government

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1 Louisiana’s Government
Wrap-Up Chapter 4 Louisiana’s Government To play the game, go to the next slide and click on a point value to go to a question. To go to final Wrap-Up click on Final Wrap-Up at the bottom of the main screen.

2 Colony to Democracy Louisiana’s Constitutions Executive Branch Legislative Branch Judicial Branch Local Government 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

3 Final Wrap-Up Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Wager Wager Wager

4 Who was Julien Poydras?

5 president of the group that wrote Louisiana’s first constitution
board score

6 While criminal laws in Louisiana were based on British common law, the civil laws were based more on what set of laws?

7 Napoleonic Code board score

8 Why did democracy have to be learned in the new state of Louisiana in 1812?

9 The colony had no history of democratic governance
board score

10 How does democracy compare to other forms of government?

11 there is a greater state of equality than in less representative forms of government
board score

12 Where do the powers of state government originate?

13 from the citizens and United States Constitution
board score

14 Why has Louisiana had so many different constitutions?

15 to create a government with certain goals in mind
board score

16 With which other document must the Louisiana Constitution work in harmony?

17 The United States Constitution
board score

18 How does the Louisiana Constitution reflect the principles of government found in the U.S. Constitution?

19 Separation of Powers board score

20 What is a constitution?

21 document that sets up a government’s organization and its operational rules
board score

22 When was the state’s present constitution written?

23 1974 board score

24 President is to federal government as __________ is to state government.

25 governor board score

26 What office acts as the state’s chief legal officer?

27 Attorney General board score

28 How do the terms of governor and lieutenant governor compare?

29 The lieutenant governor may serve unlimited terms; the governor is limited to only 2 terms
board score


31 Lieutenant Governor board score

32 What 3 choices does the governor have about a proposed law?

33 sign, take no action, or veto
board score

34 What is a bicameral government?

35 The legislative branch has two houses or chambers
board score

36 What is reapportionment?

37 the process of redrawing legislative district boundaries
board score

38 Why must a bill go back to both houses after it leaves the conference committee?

39 bill passage requires approval of identical versions of the bill by both chambers
board score

40 If the state legislature wishes to override the governor’s veto, what must they do?

41 have a two thirds majority
board score

42 Why does the legislature have more days than needed in a legislative session?

43 It allows legislators a chance to go home to their districts and listen to the opinions of their constituents before final votes on bills board score

44 If a law is brought to the court for judicial review, what is being determined?

45 constitutionality of the law
board score

46 How are a grand jury and a trial jury different?

47 A grand jury decides if there is enough evidence to go to trial, but a trial jury renders a verdict based on evidence board score

48 Which type of court will hear their case?
Alphonse’s dog got into the neighbor’s yard and dug up their flowers. They want Alphonse to pay for the damage. He says the gate was open so it wasn’t his fault. Which type of court will hear their case?

49 civil board score

50 How does the judicial branch check and balance the legislative branch?

51 The judicial branch can declare a law unconstitutional
board score

52 How is a clerk of the court for a parish like the secretary of state for the state?

53 both keep official records
board score

54 What is home rule?

55 power given to political subdivisions to govern their own affairs
board score

56 Parish is to _______, as city is to town.

57 county board score

58 Why are school boards more closely regulated than other forms of local government?

59 they receive money from the state
board score

60 What are the two types of local government?

61 elected parish council and police jury
board score

62 How has the police jury changed since the Spanish period?

63 police juries are now elected instead of appointed
board score

64 Make your wager on the scoreboard
Final Wrap-Up Make your wager on the scoreboard Final Question score

65 In which type of election is Beau voting?
Beau, a registered Democrat, has ten candidates on the ballot, both Democrat and Republican. He can vote for whomever he chooses. In which type of election is Beau voting?

66 open primary board score

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