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Cross-regional roadmap on capacity calculation and long-term capacity allocation Impact for the FUI regional roadmap Work document FUI Implementation Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Cross-regional roadmap on capacity calculation and long-term capacity allocation Impact for the FUI regional roadmap Work document FUI Implementation Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross-regional roadmap on capacity calculation and long-term capacity allocation Impact for the FUI regional roadmap Work document FUI Implementation Group Meeting 30 September 2011

2 Capacity calculation The cross-regional roadmap on capacity calculation defines how to implement flow-based method especially in highly meshed region. FB method not relevant for the FUI regional roadmap (stick to the ATC approach) Need to ensure compatibility ATC in FUI and implementation of FB in CWE region

3 Long term capacity allocation (1/2)
Cross-regional rodmap identified for areas of work : Harmonisation of the allocation rules Harmonisation of the allocation platforms Harmonisation of the nomination process Possible implementation of FTRs Cross-regional roadmap identified the need for coordination at european level and at regional one. First milestone of FUI regional roadmap plans to consult on a detailed roadmap for implementing the target model for LT including firmness.  Need to be postponed. Roadmap for implementation of a single set of allocation rules including firmness will be discussed at regional level after the definition of “a wish list for a single set of rules” by ACER in coordination with ENTSO-E with stakeholders consultation - Q at the latest

4 Long term capacity allocation (2/2)
Harmonisation of the allocation platforms: at the latest by mid 2013, decision (NRAs+TSOs) to merge or not the existing allocation platforms based on a CBA performed by ENTSO-E. Harmonisation of the nomination process: agreement in Q3-Q on an implementation schedule based on the benchmark of the current situation (done Q and the decision to move towards FTRs Possible implementation of FTRs: based on the impact assessment to implement FTRs (done Q2 2012), CR roadmap plans to elaborate a pan-European implementation planning by ENTSO-E and ACER with stakeholders consultation Q3-Q  To be tackled in FUI region accordingly

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