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Agenda 8/10/16 Class policies/expectations to turn in?

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1 Agenda 8/10/16 Class policies/expectations to turn in?
Tour of the Basics to turn in? DNA extraction Notes – Intro to genetics and areas of study. Building DNA Model Learning Goal: Appreciate the evolution of our understanding of the process of inheriting traits. Properly construct a model of DNA and use that to demonstrate replication.

2 DNA Extraction Procedure:
Place 1 strawberry into the baggie and smash it gently for a few minutes. Pour the DNA extraction solution into the bag just to cover the strawberries, and mix it gently for 1 minute. Using your hand, place coffee filter or cheesecloth over the large beaker and make a little pocket to strain the fruit mixture into. Let it settle and then slowly pour a little (10-20ml) of the liquid into the smaller beaker. Add about 2-3mL of ethanol, or isopropyl alcohol, down the side of the small beaker (tilt it). DO NOT STIR IT. You should start to “see” the DNA precipitate out of solution. Slowly pull the DNA up the side of the beaker using the stirring rod. Clean up and return all materials to the front.

3 How the DNA extraction works:
Detergent - breaks apart and emulsifies the lipids and proteins Salt - combined the DNA strands Alcohol - disables the DNA destroying enzyme (DNase) and dehydrates & precipitates the DNA from solution (DNA is insoluble in alcohol).

4 Genetics: The science of heredity
Study of inheritance of traits Study of variation

5 Genetics is a Unifying Theme in Biology
Directs cellular processes Determines external appearance Links generation to generation of every species Is essential to understanding molecular biology, physiology, cell biology, evolution, ecology, and behavior.

6 Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) Father of genetics
Beginning of traditional genetics Principals are the cornerstone of genetic studies today Before that…..

7 History of Genetics Prehistoric
Evidence of domestication of plants and animals as early as B.C. Hippocrates & Aristotle ( B.C.) Theory of pangenesis – semen is formed and transported from various places in the body that carry the traits from those locations. Produced offspring of the same structure and function. William Harvey (1600’s) Theory of Epigenesis – organism is derived from substances in the egg that are assembled then differentiate in the embryo.

8 ’s Theory of preformation – in egg or sperm there was a tiny human (humunculus) that gets bigger. 5. Darwin (end of 1800’s) Provisional hypothesis of pangenesis – “gemmules” in semen could adapt to environment and are characteristics that can be acquired.

9 Today Genomics – sequencing the genome began in 1995 (more than 100 species have been sequenced). Proteomics – identifying and analyzing proteins. Bioinformatics – using computer technology to manage and understand biological data. Zoom into your genome Genomics-diagnose genetic disorders before birth, genetic testing, carriers, detect genetic disorders / predisposition for certain illnesses – heart disease, cancer Proteomics – extension of genomics understand gene function and its changing role in development and aging identify proteins that are markers (biomarkers) for diseases. These protiens can be used in deveolping diagnostic tests finding proteins that are targest for the deveolpment of drug to reat diseases and genetic disorders Computer hardware and software to store, analyze, visualize genomic info allows to compare genomes, 3d protein stucture – pharmocogenomics – analyze gens and proteinsto id targets for theraputic drugs

10 4 Major Areas of Genetics
1. Transmission/classical Mendel’s patterns of inheritance 2. Cytogenetics Study of chromosomes and their behavior (mitosis & meiosis) 3. Molecular Genetics Study of genes at molecular level (DNA & protein) Genetic Engineering 4. Population Genetics Evolution - how ratio of genes change over time

11 Building DNA Models Follow the directions and answer the questions as they arise in the reading. If you have questions, please ask. I will help. When you are finished, please disassemble your model and return it to the baggy.

12 Do you have a dominant or recessive trait?
Taste the PTC paper given to you by your teacher.

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