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Theories of Personality

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1 Theories of Personality
the “WHY” of disorders Ch 14

2 The Psychoanalytic (Freudian) Approach Learning/Behavioral Approach Cognitive Approach Biological Approach Humanist Approach

3 The Psychoanalytic (Freudian) Approach
“Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.”

4 The Unconscious Deepest thoughts, fears, urges Unknown Conflicts
The couch Dream analysis* Hypnosis

5 The Unconscious Conflict - Oedipus
Oedipus Complexclick here Desire for mother and competition with father, fixated on the mother, castration anxiety by father, resolved by identification with father, normal relationships thereafter Electra Complex (Karl Jung) Desire for father and competition with mother, fixated on the father, penis envy, resolved by identification with father, normal relationships thereafter

6 Id, Ego, Superego Id: pleasure principle, urges, instant gratification, from birth Ego: reality principle, reason, common sense, battle/balance Superego: moral principle, community standards, guilt and shame, the right thing Battlefield of fear, guilt, and shame leading to anxiety

7 Demonstration*

8 Stages of Psychosexual Development
Oral Anal Phallic Latency Genital

9 Defense Mechanisms* Repression Projection Displacement Sublimation
Denial Regression Rationalization Reaction formation: Indentify with the aggressor

10 The Learning/Behavioral Approach
Stimulus-Response Passive learning from environmental stimuli Rewards and Punishments: apply positive, withhold negative withhold positive, apply negative Learning new behaviors

11 The Cognitive Approach
Mental process, image of the world, inner messages Process information to solve problems Working memory, computer analogy Cognitive restructuring, change the inner messages

12 The Biological Approach
Nervous system is the core cause Brain activity Chemical influences

13 The Humanist Approach Carl Rogers Abraham Maslow
Self-concept, self-maximization Individual choice Congruence between self-concept and experience Positive regard from others, reflection Abraham Maslow Self-actualization Heirarchy of Needs, progressive

14 Two Content Layout with SmartArt

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