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Passion can be described as an emotion:

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Presentation on theme: "Passion can be described as an emotion:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Passion can be described as an emotion:

2 Intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction
A strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept

3 Please use your white board to write down what you are very passionate about!
You have 5 minutes

4 2. Within groups of four I want you to talk about each of your passions and defend your position. DO NOT ARGUE! I will ask each group to present one of their passions. You have 10 minutes

5 FUTURISM The movement was led by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
20th century ( ) artisitc movement The movement was led by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti Umberto Boccioni

6 Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (Italian poet and editor) the founder of Futurism
He published a paper entitled the Technical Manifesto of Futuristic Painting on February 20, 1909 in the newspaper Le Figaro. This writing eventually inspired many movements to come. Futurism influenced many other twentieth century art movements, including Art Deco, Vorticism, Constructivism, Surrealism and Dada. The period ended in1944 with the death of Marinetti.

7 Marinetti expressed a passionate loathing of everything old, especially political and artistic tradition. "We want no part of it, the past", he wrote, "we the young and strong Futurists!" The Futurists admired speed, technology, youth and violence, the car, the airplane and the industrial city, all that represented the technological triumph of humanity over nature, and they were passionate nationalists.

8 Nationalism – loyalty and devotion to a nation
Nationalists – a member of a political party or group who favors national independence

9 Futurism centered in Italy
The Futurists were the first artists to use modern life as a theme in their work. They were interested in city life, machines and movement: cars racing, crowds moving, trains speeding, speed, technology and violence. The car, the plane, the industrial town were all legendary for the Futurists, because they represented the technological triumph of man over nature. The most significant results of the movement was in the visual arts and poetry.

10 Umberto Boccioni Dynamism
Is a concept pertaining to objects and the material world. Dynamism was taken up by Umberto Boccioni and other artists and creative thinkers early in the 20th century. Dynamist artist used the concept as part of a way of representing the complexity of processes, rather than be limited by the discrete and static movement with change, which also illustrates the limits of human perception. Umberto Boccioni

11 Giacomo Balla

12 Giacomo Balla

13 Carlo Carra

14 Luigi Russolo

15 Gino Severini

16 Demonstration

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