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Hymn 71 How Good It Is to Thank the Lord

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Presentation on theme: "Hymn 71 How Good It Is to Thank the Lord"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hymn 71 How Good It Is to Thank the Lord

2 Verse 1 How good it is to thank the Lord, and to Thy name our praises sing,

3 And to proclaim Thy steadfast love each day and declare Thy faithfulness by night.

4 Sing to the music of the lute, and with a solemn sound upon the lyre;

5 For Thy works have made me glad, O Lord, and of Thy deeds will I sing!

6 Verse 2 Great are Thy works, Eternal Lord; deep are Thy thoughts, O Thou Most High;

7 Foolish and senseless men will never know, nor will understand Thy ways.

8 Though the wicked sprout as grass, and evildoers flourish for awhile;

9 They shall all be uprooted and destroyed, while Thou art evermore supreme!

10 Last Verse Good men shall flourish like the palm; strong as a cedar shall they be;

11 For they are planted in God’s house, and they shall grow within His courts.

12 Even in age shall they bear fruit; rich and green they ever shall be;

13 For our God is faithful evermore, our Rock and righteous God!


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