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AP English Literature and Composition

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Presentation on theme: "AP English Literature and Composition"— Presentation transcript:

1 AP English Literature and Composition
11/9 – 11/10: Dystopian Group Discussion Compare 1984 and Brave New World 11/12: Dystopian Novel in-class essay 11/13: Dystopian Unit: Part 2

2 AP English Literature and Composition
10/26-10/28: Dystopia Literature Circles Computer Lab 10/29: In-class Prose Essay 10/30: Dystopia Literature Circles

3 AP English Literature and Composition
10/19: Class Discussion – Impact of characterization on themes in the novel 10/20-10/22: Frankenstein Analysis Small group analysis of AP essay prompts Each day groups will create a well-developed response to a different AP prompt 10/23: Frankenstein In-class Essay

4 AP English Literature and Composition
10/12: Analysis of Setting in Frankenstein 10/15: Vocabulary Unit 3 Test 10/13-10/16: Characterization of Walton, Victor, and the Creature 10/19-10/20: Class Discussion – Impact of characterization on themes in the novel 10/22: Frankenstein In-class Essay

5 AP English Literature and Composition
10/5: Frankenstein Reading Comprehension Test 10/6: Introduction to Gothic Literature 10/7-10/8: Characterization of Walton, Victor, and the Creature 10/15: Vocabulary Unit 3 Test

6 AP English Literature and Composition
9/21: Vocabulary Unit 2 due; Begin Group Analysis of Setting in TFA 9/22: Setting Jigsaw Analysis Part 1 9/23: Vocabulary Unit 2 Test 9/24 – 9/25: Setting Jigsaw Analysis Part 2 9/28: TFA In-Class Essay

7 AP English Literature and Composition
9/14: Dave Barry Tone Analysis Essays due Discussion of responses Read Achebe’s “An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness” 9/15: Watch CNN Interview of Chinua Achebe Discuss Achebe’s Criticism of Heart of Darkness 9/16: TFA Reading Comprehension Test 9/17: Introduction to Setting Zoom 9/18: Group Analysis of TFA’s Setting 9/21: Vocabulary Unit 2 due

8 AP English Literature and Composition
9/8: Vocabulary Workshop Unit 1 Test 9/9: Mythology Quiz; Review of Motif vs. Theme; Tone Analysis Dave Barry’s “See Daddy! See Daddy Play Princess! Play, Daddy, Play!” 9/10: Counselor Visit to Senior Classes HW: Read “An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness” 9/11: Introduction to Things Fall Apart Discussion of Achebe’s Essay Watch and Discuss CNN Interview of Achebe

9 AP English Literature and Composition
9/1-9/2: Awakening Socratic Seminar 9/1: Read Melville’s “Bartleby the Scrivener” 9/3-9/4: Heart of Darkness Socratic Seminar 9/3: Vocabulary Workshop Unit 1 due Read Dave Barry’s “See Daddy! See Daddy Play Princess! Play, Daddy, Play!” 9/8: Vocabulary Workshop Unit 1 Test 9/9: Mythology Quiz; Review of Motif vs. Theme; Tone Analysis

10 AP English Literature and Composition
8/25: Chopin Essays and Heart of Darkness Quote Logs due 8/26: Review AP Lit. Exam – Read Prose Essays DDD, F, H, MM, and S Score essays as a 2, 4, 6, or 8 8/27: Review and discuss AP Prose scores 8/28: Reader Response to The Awakening and Heart of Darkness 9/3: Vocabulary Workshop Unit 1 due 9/5: Vocabulary Workshop Unit 1 Test

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