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Testing dan Implementasi Sistem

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Presentation on theme: "Testing dan Implementasi Sistem"— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing dan Implementasi Sistem
Pertemuan 3

2 Outline Siklus hidup software Siklus hidup testing

3 Siklus hidup software Planning Design Coding and documentation
Testing and fixing Post-release maintenance and enhancement

4 Testing ?? Try it and see if it works Try it : get it set it up run it
run it again See : choose where to look see what's there see what's not there It works : read the specs see if the product matches the spec find problems especially the bad ones

5 Siklus testing Perencanaan Pembuatan testcase Pelaksanaan testing
Unit testing Sub-system integration testing System integration testing Acceptance testing Pendokumentasian testing

6 Hubungan antara rencana pengujian dan proses pengembangan sistem
Spesifikasi kebutuhan Spesifikasi sistem Perancangan sistem Detil perancangan Acceptance Test plan Module and unit code and test System Integration Test plan Sub-System Integration Test plan System integration test Service Sub-system integration test Acceptance test

7 Post test Kesimpulan dari hubungan antara siklus testing dan siklus software? Waktu pengerjaan 20 menit

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