“Be Well” Survey Data Presentation for Health Promotion and Community Development Developing Health Promotion and Community Development Measures That.

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Presentation on theme: "“Be Well” Survey Data Presentation for Health Promotion and Community Development Developing Health Promotion and Community Development Measures That."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Be Well” Survey Data Presentation for Health Promotion and Community Development Developing Health Promotion and Community Development Measures That Matters WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 6, 2015

2 Purposes of the “Be Well” Survey
Understand and start to collect data (baseline) on the wellbeing needs of our clients and communities using survey questions based in large part on the validated Canadian Index of Wellbeing framework. Develop standardized core questions for wellbeing data comparability over time across member centres & where possible with CIW’s provincial data sources.

3 Purposes of the “Be Well” Survey Con’t
Maintain comparability, validity, and reliability of the core and customized wellbeing questions. Inform decisions around local, regional and provincial healthy public policy and advocacy work.

4 Surveys Collected Total Surveys: 2332 # Organization Surveys 1
Bluewater Area Family Health Team 46 15 Mississauga First Nations 44 2 Carlington Community Health Centre 175 16 North Lambton Community Health Centre 26 3 Chatham Kent Community Health Centres 17 Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre 281 4 Centre de santé communautaire de Kapuskasing et région 10 18 Port Hope Community Health Centre 140 5 Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie 190 19 Rexdale Community Health Centre 42 6 Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre 77 20 Sagamok Anishnawbek 178 7 Garden River First Nations 117 21 Serpent River First Nation 12 8 Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre 137 22 Somerset West Community Health Centre 64 Guelph Community Health Centre 97 23 South Riverdale Community Health Centre 81 11 Kawartha North Family Health Team 32 24 South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre 163 Kingston Community Health Centres 104 25 Windsor Family Health Team 222 13 Mary Berglund Community Health Centre 50 Total Surveys: 2332

5 Other Information About You

6 Other Information About You - Please select all of the ones that apply:

7 What is your current age?
2214 responded to this question of 2332 total participants = 95% response rate Minimum age = 18 Max age = 95 Average age (standard deviation) = (17)

8 What is the highest level of education you have completed?

9 Were you born in Canada?

10 Were you born in Canada? If NO, what year did you arrive in Canada?

11 Which of the following best describes your racial or ethnic group?

12 What is your gender?

13 What was your total family income before taxes last year?

14 How many relatives and close friends do you have who you feel close to?
Total Survey, N=2,332 Response rate Mean Median Mode Number of Relatives 2,179 (93.4%) 13.8 4 2 Number of Friends 2,155 (92.4%) 8.13 3

15 How many close friends do you have who you feel close to? (Comparison)
Response (n) Percent Ontario 5,986,492 53.7 Be Well Survey 786 36.5 Canada 14,882,663 51.8

16 How long have you lived in your community?
Total Survey Response Mean (year) (Average length of stay in the community) Median Mode N=2,332 n= 2,271 Response rate= 97.4% 19.2 ± 18.2 12 10

17 How would you describe your sense of belonging to your community (Percent)?
Sense of belonging: n=2,296, response rate 98.5%

18 How would you describe your sense of belonging to your community
How would you describe your sense of belonging to your community? (n=2,296; response 98.5%) Response (n) Percent Ontario 7,736,538 68.2 Be Well Survey 1,596 69.5 Canada 19,435,211 66.4

19 Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you cannot be too careful in dealing with people? (n=2,291, response 98.2%)

20 Percentage Reporting that most people can be trusted (n=979, 42.7%)
Response (n) Percent Ontario 6,331,731 57.3 Be Well Survey 979 42.7 Canada 15,295,627 53.5

21 How often do you feel uncomfortable or out of place in your community because of your religion, culture, ethnicity, skin colour, or sexual orientation? (N= 2,297, response rate 98.5%)

22 How often do you feel uncomfortable or out of place in your community because of your physical appearance, disability, mental health or other health condition? (n=2,285, response rate 98%)

23 What we’ll do with the data?
Understanding Connectedness Data Information Understand Relations Wisdom Knowledge Understand Patterns Understand Principles Ref: Bellinger, G., Castro, D., & Mills, A. (2004). Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom. The way of Systems.


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