8A Vocab Week 1 2010-2011.

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Presentation on theme: "8A Vocab Week 1 2010-2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 8A Vocab Week 1

2 Vocabulary Square Word Part of Speech Definition And Synonym Antonym
(or sentence) Picture

3 Aberration Noun The act of departing from the right, normal, or moral course. “For Suzy, such a low grade on an exam was an aberration.”

4 Bequeath Verb To hand down, pass on (esp. property, money) usually by last will. “My great-aunt sally bequeathed her entire estate to my brother and didn’t leave me anything.”

5 Debilitate Verb To make weak or feeble
“Pneumonia debilitated her completely for several weeks.”

6 Glutton Noun A person who eats and drinks excessively
A person with a great desire for something (ex. A glutton for work) “He’s such a glutton that he ate the whole cake!”

7 Nostalgia Noun A desire to return in thought to a former time in one’s life - a sentimental yearning “Every September, nostalgia for his college days has Steve planning a trip to homecoming.”

8 Embellish Verb To beautify, adorn, enhance
“Suzy embellished her wedding invitations with little rhinestones.”

9 Melancholy Noun or Adjective - today - adjective
causing or tending to cause sadness or depression of mind or spirit “He became quiet and melancholy as the hours slowly passed and she didn’t call him back.”

10 Muster Verb To assemble (troops, crew) for battle, display, inspection, etc. To gather, summon, rouse. “He mustered all his courage and asked Suzy to dance with him.”

11 Sporadic Adjective Appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; scattered “The tomato plants in my garden grew sporadically, and I had fresh tomatoes for months.” (sporadically - adverb)

12 Acclaim Verb To welcome, proclaim, announce, or salute with shouts of joy and approval; applaud “The London Symphony Orchestra has enjoyed acclaim from critics around the globe.”

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